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  1. Women car washers at UNMISS hope to become entrepreneurs in a peaceful South Sudan

    26 October 2020... survived civil war, displacement and sexual violence build their skills every day at the UNMISS car washing bay where they ensure the ...

  2. New police station in Anyidi in Jonglei brings hopes that displaced people will return home

    30 August 2021 “A functional police station in Anyidi means that even we, as women, will have our needs and concerns addressed.

  3. Fresh attacks in South Sudan hampering humanitarians, says UNICEF

    4 March 2014 3 March 2014 - With fresh outbreaks of fighting in South Sudan likely to displace tens of thousands of additional people, the emergency in the world’s newest nation risks becoming

  4. Remarks by the Secretary-General's Special Representative and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, at the 22nd RJMEC Plenary Meeting

    2 June 2022 RJMEC Interim-Chair,

  5. UNMISS supports new peace institutions with development of policies to deliver peace and unity

    9 June 2021 UNMISS has supported a forum where stakeholders are giving inputs to a policy framework to deliver peace and unity to Central Equatoria State. Photos: Moses Pasi/UNMISS Achieving peace, unity and stabil...

  6. UNMISS troops provide clinical assistance and paint parts of Kapoeta hospital

    27 December 2019... a clean-up exercise at Kapoeta state hospital, as part of their civil-military engagements. ...

  7. IWD 2016 in Yambio

    9 March 2016 The Women’s General Union, in collaboration the UNMISS commemorated the IWD in the form of fasting, marching and prayer to in Freedom Square, in WES Yambio town.

  8. South Sudanese police officers emphasize the role of Police Community Relations Committees in increasing security

    11 October 2023 Thanks to a community stabilization and violence reduction project funded by the South Sudan Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience (RSRTF), residents of Greater Tonj area feel safer and more se...

  9. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, to the Security Council

    15 September 2023 Photo by Manuel Elías/UN Photo [Near Verbatim]

  10. EU ambassadors assess conditions in Akobo

    22 August 2013 20 August 2013 - To review security and humanitarian conditions in Akobo County, Jonglei State, a group of European Union ambassadors visited the area today.
