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  1. Displaced youth taught rights to combat crime

    12 August 2014... 11 August 2014 - Seeking to reduce crime among youth in protection of civilians (PoC) areas at the UN Malakal base, the ...

  2. UNMISS galvanizes youth participation in peacebuilding by training 60 students

    27 November 2023... LAKES – Against the backdrop of continuing conflict and political upheavals, South ...

  3. Sports brings South Sudanese youth together on National Unity Day

    30 January 2018 The many diverse cultures that make South Sudan special were celebrated in song and dance as hundreds of young sports stars gathered in the capital for the launch of National Unity Day.

  4. Youth in Western Bahr El Ghazal graduate from an UNMISS vocational training

    29 June 2021 54 young people in Western Bahr El Ghazal who were severely affected by the civil war in South Sudan now have marketable skills in carpentry and brick-making following a two-month vocational training facilitated by UNMISS and the ...

  5. UNMISS strongly condemns deadly fresh violence between Dinka Ngok and Dinka Twic youth groups along border of Abyei and Warrap State

    14 October 2022 Juba, 14 October 2022 – The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) strongly condemns the resurgence of dea

  6. Bentiu youth fight for a brighter future for generations to come in South Sudan

    24 December 2019 A participant drives her point home during the forum. “Enough is enough.”

  7. Indian peacekeepers in Malakal teach youth carpentry, welding, masonry and more

    15 September 2021 Youth in Malakal have recently been taught different vocational skills by ... you need a hand with, at least one of the forty Malakal youth trained for ten days by Indian p ...

  8. UNMISS organizes workshop for displaced youth in Juba

    14 December 2015 As part of ongoing efforts to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) deal with challenges they might face when they return home, UNMISS today organized a workshop in one of the protection of civi

  9. Youth, Peace, Security: Eyobo Richard, Musician, Western Equatoria

    20 May 2021 24-year-old South Sudanese guitarist and music producer Eyoba Richard says he believes that young people across the country need to stop fighting and unite to usher in an era of progress. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS. ...

  10. Jonglei and Boma governors: ‘Our youth cannot continue shedding blood’

    15 August 2019... areas to Bor Town, where they resolved to maintain peace in their areas by engaging regula ...
