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  1. Press statement: Senior UN human rights official condemns the deplorable rights situation in South Sudan and calls for prompt establishment of a court to prosecute atrocity crimes

    17 February 2017 Press statement: Senior UN human rights official condemns the deplorable rights situation in South Sudan and calls for prompt establishment of a court to prosecute atrocity crimes. JUBA/GENEVA/NEW YORK (17 Fe...

  2. UNMISS Force HQ holds gender sensitivity seminar for women peacekeepers

    19 December 2021 To mark the end of the 16 Days of Activism campaign to end gender-based violence, a special seminar was held with women peacekeepers serving at t

  3. Japanese engineering contingent arrives in Juba

    21 February 2012 20 February 2012 - To support infrastructural development in the Republic of South Sudan, 120 Japanese UNMISS engineering peacekeepers arrived at Juba International Airport today.

  4. UNMISS peacekeepers from China hand over rehabilitated key road in Warrap-Unity-Abyei region

    21 March 2023 Boys, girls, women and men - everyone appreciated the road rehabilitation work done by UNMISS engineering troops. Photos: Zejin Yin/UNMISS Roads. All of them are equal, but some are more equal than othe...

  5. Year-round activism against gender-based violence needed to achieve ultimate goal of free and safe movement for all

    27 November 2019... for women to spend more time in the relative safety of their homes. “Join hands, stand against rape” is the South Sudanese national theme for this year’s campaign ...

  6. Reaching the unreached in Nimule: UNMISS sheds light on women’s right in peace agreement

    22 November 2019... As if gently stirred awake by the affectionate early morning rays of the sun seeping in through a gap in their bedroom curtains, a group of women in Nimule received a pleasant stroke ...

  7. Boda boda motorcyclists in Yei upbeat about prospect of peace

    17 September 2018... from across Yei town are voicing and quite possibly honking their support and optimism for a future blessed by durable peace, following the ...

  8. UNMISS Chief of Staff: Benefits of cooperation with UN agencies must be reaped more consistently

    23 July 2022 Paul Egunsola, UNMISS Chief of Staff, engaging with students in Kuron Peace Village, Eastern Equatoria State. Photos: Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS Paul Egunsola, Chief of Staff of the United Nations Mission ...

  9. UNMISS hands over classrooms, brings joy to Nadiangere on joint visit with local authorities

    18 June 2024... WESTERN EQUATORIA - In the early morning, a UN helicopter approaches Nadiangere. ...

  10. Daring to be different: One woman’s journey towards an exceptional career serving others

    24 January 2020 Rounok Jahan, a Bangladeshi UN police officer serving with UNMISS, dares to be different. She hopes you do, too. Rounok Jahan has been breaking down gender barriers her whole life. First by deciding as a ...
