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  1. Interfaith institutions in Yei call for an end to hate speech and religious division

    3 December 2018 Senior members of the Islamic Council and Christian faith-based institutions in Yei have ended a three-day workshop with a call for an end to hate speech and religious division.

  2. Luacjang and Pakam communities sign cessation of hostilities agreement in Tonj

    5 July 2023 UNMISS, together with UNDP and other partners, recently facilitated a peace conference to a long-standing and often cattle-related between the Luacjang and Pakam communities. Photo by Peter Ring Ariik Kuol/UNMISS ...

  3. USG for Humanitarian Affairs urges warring parties to stop fighting, protect civilians and aid workers in South Sudan

    18 May 2018... to stop the fighting and protect aid workers who are risking their own lives to save others in the war- ...

  4. From the gold mines of Ghana to Malakal: British contingent displays benefits of diversity

    3 July 2019 Growing up in Ghana, Private Asiwome Awudy never dreamed he would one day be in the army – at least not the British army.  

  5. Unity State marks day for victims of torture

    26 June 2013 26 June 2013 - A week-long series of events to observe the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture ended today in the Unity State capital Bentiu.

  6. South Korean peacekeepers serving with UNMISS hand over essential items to communities in Bor

    21 September 2021 A generous handover by South Korean peacekeepers serving with UNMISS is expected to go a long way in improving law and order as well as health services in Bor. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. Histori...

  7. President Kiir agrees to direct talks with Machar – Kerry

    2 May 2014 2 May 2014 - President Salva Kiir has expressed willingness to travel to Ethiopia for talks and to consider forming a transitional government as part of efforts to end the crisis in South Sudan, U.

  8. First woman peacekeeper from Azerbaijan proud to serve for peace in South Sudan

    28 November 2023 Meet Major Latifa Rustamova, the first woman from Azerbaijan to be deployed as a military observer with UNMISS. Photo by Yakudu Moses/UNMISS. EASTERN EQUATORIA – Meeting Major Lati...

  9. Civil societies hold rally to support peace in Jonglei

    23 April 2012 21 April 2012 - As civilian disarmament continues in conflict-torn Jonglei, a top state official today urged all residents to support the government and civil society in realizing peace.

  10. Let us talk about peace: Church leaders preach forgiveness and reconciliation at Bentiu concert

    27 August 2019
