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  1. Respect UN protection sites, says Secretary-General

    20 January 2014 20 January 2014 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was alarmed by attempts of senior South Sudanese government officials to force entry into the protective site for civilians at the UNMISS compound in

  2. Border conference seeks to unite communities

    17 November 2011 16 November 2011 – As Misseriya nomads prepare to cross the Sudan/South Sudan border seeking grazing land during the dry season, a three-day conference began today in Abiemnon, Unity State, to boos

  3. Police officers complete training to combat sexual and gender-based violence in Kapoeta

    13 December 2019... curb SGBV in Kapoeta “Rape and child marriage are crimes… no matter the cultural justifications.” ...

  4. South Sudan commemorates refugee day

    20 June 2014 20 June 2014 - More than 360,000 South Sudanese had crossed into neighbouring countries since conflict broke out in the country in December 2013, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said in Juba today.

  5. As tensions continue in Tambura, UNMISS and authorities conduct assessment mission

    5 April 2024 As tensions rise in Tambura, Western Equatoria, a joint assessment mission by government partners and UNMISS hears community concerns. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA – “W...

  6. Ban, Security Council welcome South Sudan cessation of hostilities agreement

    24 January 2014 23 January 2014 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UN Security Council today welcomed the signing of a cessation of hostilities agreement between anti- and pro-gov

  7. Build trust and cooperation through friendly dialogue, says new UNMISS Police Commissioner

    14 January 2022 In close dialogue and cooperation with the South Sudan National Police Service, that is how the new UNMISS Police Commissioner Christine Fossen wants to be seen as often as possible. “Just do it,” her h...

  8. South Sudan working to improve prison systems

    21 November 2012 21 November 2012 - Heeding human rights reports citing shortfalls in its prisons, South Sudan was seeking more effective ways of rehabilitating offenders, the Presidential Advisor for Legal Affairs

  9. UNMISS tours Renk borders to assess security and economic condition of people fleeing the Sudan conflict

    19 June 2023... of returnees and refugees in South Sudan who are fleeing for their lives, entering the country via Renk in Uppe ...

  10. UNMISS SRSG addresses UN Security Council

    18 November 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
