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  1. On World Literacy Day, Western Equatorian children receive radios from UNMISS to continue learning

    8 September 2020 On 4 September 2020, UNMISS handed over solar-powered radios to 500 families in Western Equatoria. The objective is to ensure that children have access to school lessons being broadcast twice daily on Radio Miraya, following exten...

  2. Mobile court in Bentiu reduces case backlog and whets appetite for permanent justice

    28 September 2019 Upon completion of a fourth session in Bentiu, a visiting mobile court had convicted eight people found guilty of rape, murder, armed robbery, kidnapping and serious assault.  

  3. UN Humanitarian Office calls for 'emergency procedures' to allow unrestricted humanitarian access

    15 November 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

  4. An urgent need for water

    13 February 2014... base in Juba, displaced people go about what has become their normal life for the past two months. ...

  5. Prison life in Cueibet: This, too, shall pass

    17 November 2018 Ralph* is a 28-year-old student and police officer in the Gok area of the Greater Lakes region.

  6. Upholding child rights focus of UNMISS training in Greater Mundri

    8 May 2023 Some 100 community representatives from Western Equatoria's Mundri and Mvolo counties were trained by UNMISS on protecting and upholding child rights. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA – ...

  7. UNMISS reassures citizens of Bahar Olo area after deadly attack by unknown armed men

    19 May 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers have visited Bahar Olo in Western Equatoria State to assess the situation of citizens following a recently deadly attack in the area. Photos: Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS The United Nations ...

  8. Peacekeeping Chief Visits Malakal

    3 August 2017 Peacekeeping Chief Visits Malakal For the 30,000 people living in a protection of civilian’s site in Malakal, a day visit by the United Nations Peacekeeping Chief Jean-Pierre Lacroix, may go un-noticed, mainl...

  9. Death, destruction in South Sudan almost unprecedented, Ban says

    19 March 2014 19 March 2014 - The range of death, destruction, gross human rights violations and displacement in South Sudan over such a short period have few precedents, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in hi

  10. Impunity must urgently be tackled in South Sudan – USG Adama Dieng

    6 August 2015 5 August 2015 - Sustainable peace, reconciliation and national healing cannot be achieved in South Sudan without any accountability for crimes committed, the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of
