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  1. Near Verbatim Transcript of SRSG/Head of UNMISS David Shearer's Press Conference – Opening Remarks and Q & A

    17 November 2020  

  2. Youth and women in Yambio participate in human rights training given by UNMISS

    5 November 2021 40 people attended an UNMISS training on human rights and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in Yambio, Western Equatoria. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS “I am finally clear on how we, as con...

  3. Transforming dreams into reality: Yambio women discuss ways to implement provisions for 35 percent women's representation in all levels of governance

    4 November 2020... “Many challenges we face in making sure our voices heard at all levels of governance is a lack of ...

  4. We are ready for peace: Paloch chief appeals to Pakam youth for dialogue

    20 September 2018 The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is supporting the convening of a tripartite dialogue that seeks to calm tensions and build durable peace in the Lakes region of South Sudan, scheduled to t

  5. UN-AU Mission to South Sudan supports the role of women in progressing new peace agreement

    8 October 2018... delegation on a three-day visit to South Sudan has expressed their solidarity with the people and leadership of the country, saying they are ...

  6. Women, displaced persons in Jonglei believe that a permanent constitution will positively impact their status

    8 March 2023 A two-day consultation in Bor saw cogent discussions on key issues - full and equal participation of women and displaced people in constitution-making; fortified security structures as well as upcoming elections. 89 participants a...


    17 October 2016 Sadly, poverty abounds on planet earth. South Sudan, here in Kuda near Juba, is by no means an exception, much to the contrary. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Billy We are approaching the end of the first year of implem...

  8. Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer's Remarks at the National Dialogue Conference, South Sudan

    4 November 2020   Vice Presidents

  9. UNMISS essay contest winners: Women should participate in all decision-making for peace

    10 May 2018... essay writing competition on Wednesday 9 May seized their m ...

  10. Displaced people in Yambio interact with UNMISS, partners on constitution-making and upcoming elections

    8 May 2023 120 displaced persons and refugees come together at a joint forum by UNMISS, UNDP, UNHCR, UN Women and the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission on constitution-making and elections. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS ...
