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  1. Central Equatoria SPLA commanders learn about human rights

    10 November 2011 9 November 2011 - In an effort to sensitize South Sudanese security forces about human rights, gender and child protection, UNMISS held a workshop for Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) officers

  2. Upper Nile media trained in child rights

    7 June 2013 5 June 2013 - Aiming to increase journalists' knowledge of ethics when reporting on children, UNICEF organized a two-day workshop that ended today in Upper Nile State.

  3. IDP community watch group training closes in Juba

    13 February 2015 13 February 2015 - Members of community watch groups in UNMISS protection sites must remember to abide by the law and observe others’ human rights, a senior mission official said in Juba today.

  4. Efanyak community learns to help police reduce crime

    9 September 2015 9 September 2015 - UN Police (UNPOL) and South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) recently launched a community policing awareness campaign in Torit County’s Efanyak community.

  5. Juba comes together to laugh for peace (including audio version)

    24 April 2017 The Kush dance group performs for a full house during Comedy for Peace at Nyakuron Cultural Centre, Juba. Photo: UNMISS/Amanda Voisard (Scroll down for audio version and link to photo gallery)

  6. Acholi and Ma’di pledge to make peace

    21 April 2012 20 April 2012 - Following a three-day conference in the capital Torit, the Acholi and Ma'di tribes of Eastern Equatoria State today released a signed communique vowing to cease hostilities.

  7. UNMISS assists Warrap Women’s Union to conduct elections

    24 July 2013 19 July 2013 - Aiming to help advance women's role in development and peace-building, UNMISS assisted Warrap State Women's Union to hold elections in the state capital Kuajok today.

  8. UN celebrates 70th anniversary with Rejaf community

    24 October 2015 The UN family celebrated its 70th anniversary today with the community of Rejaf East, south of Juba.

  9. UNMISS celebrates International Day of Peace with the communities of Jiir and Amongpiny in Rumbek

    22 September 2016 UNMISS celebrates International Day of Peace with the communities of Jiir and Amongpiny in Rumbek Hundreds turned out to celebrate the 2016 International Day of Peace with the communities of Jiir and Amongpin...

  10. UN Envoy on sexual violence in conflict meets President Kiir

    7 October 2014... Salva Kiir had agreed to become a champion in the fight against sexual violence in conflict in South Sudan and around the world, the ...
