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  1. Local residents form Community Peace Committee to promote peace

    13 December 2017 Local residents form Community Peace Committee to promote peace A small community in Kidepo Valley in the Eastern Equatorian region of South Sudan has formed a Community Peace Committee in an effort to stop c...

  2. UNMISS hands over latrines and dormitories in Rumbek

    4 March 2014 3 March 2014 - The UNMISS Nepalese battalion handed over two pit latrine buildings and four renovated dormitories to the town’s secondary school during a ceremony today in the Lakes State capital R

  3. Security Council expresses grave concern about South Sudan

    11 August 2014 8 August 2014 - Any effort by South Sudan’s warring factions to continue pursuing a military solution to conflict in the country was unacceptable, the UN Security Council said in a statement today.

  4. Supply and Delivery of Electric Booster Pumps to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Juba, South Sudan.

    14 December 2016... : Interested companies are invited to submit their EOI by e-mail (preferred) or hand delivery as indicated below. The EOI ... website. Vendors are encouraged to submit their EOIs through the E-mail addresses provided below.     ...

  5. EOI: Supply and Delievery of Window Type Air Condition - Closing Friday 31 March 2017

    8 March 2017... :` Interested companies are invited to submit their EOI by e-mail (preferred) or hand delivery as indicated below. The EOI ... website. Vendors are encouraged to submit their EOIs through the E-mail addresses provided below.   The EOI, ...

  6. UN Korean engineers begin major road repair project in Jonglei

    14 November 2017 A groundbreaking ceremony has been held to mark the beginning of a major project by Korean engineers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan to repair the main road from Bor to Manga

  7. Bangladeshi peacekeepers rescue humanitarian workers on the River Nile following distress call

    25 January 2019 Bangladeshi peacekeepers serving with the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in Malakal carried out a successful search and rescue operation on Wednesday night, resolving what would have otherwise

  8. UNFPA and health ministry seek end to maternal mortality

    31 October 2011... of Health (MoH) organized a workshop today to review their joi ...

  9. Prison workers learn to handle violence

    21 December 2011 16 December 2011 – How to deal with unruly or violent prisoners was the focus of an eight-day training course for Central Equatoria State prison staff that ended today with a graduation ceremony in

  10. Thousands from Blue Nile seek refuge in South Sudan

    25 May 2012 23 May 2012 - Thousands of Sudanese fleeing fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) in Blue Nile State have sought refuge in South Sud
