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  1. Workshop decides on network of gender experts

    12 October 2011 10 October 2011 – Participants at a workshop that kicked off today in the South Sudanese capital of Juba have decided to set up a national network of experts to enhance gender mainstreaming

  2. UNMISS pledges support for security challenges in WBEG

    9 June 2012 8 June 2012 - One of the biggest challenges facing South Sudan's Western Bahr El-Ghazal (WBEG) State was insecurity along the border between Sudan and South Sudan, a top government official said to

  3. Border community conference begins in Gok Machar

    24 January 2014 23 January 2014 - Seeking a peaceful nomadic migration season this year, some 300 delegates from Sudanese and South Sudanese border communities began a three-day conference in Gok Machar, Northern

  4. UK Troops start engineering work in Malakal Protection of Civilians Site

    5 May 2017 UK Troops start engineering work in Malakal Protection of Civilians Camp British military engineers have arrived in Malakal to join the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.

  5. Western Equatoria budget rises by 40 million pounds

    19 February 2014 19 February 2014 - Western Equatoria State unanimously passed an annual budget today of over 170 million South Sudanese pounds (about $60 million) for the fiscal year 2

  6. Smooth all the way: Main supply route joining Malakal to Melut ready for use

    21 January 2019 UNMISS engineers have rehabilitated the main supply route between Malakal and Melut. Well worth rejoicing. It’s all systems go in Upper Nile, South Sudan, following the completion of the rehabilitation of a m...

  7. Upper Nile inaugurates council of traditional leaders

    29 November 2011... Council of Traditional Authority Leaders (COTAL) took their oaths today in a swearing-i ...

  8. UN urges South Sudanese leaders in Addis talks to put people first and seize the opportunity for peace

    18 May 2018... Level Revitalization Forum in Addis Ababa are urged to set their differences aside and put the interests of their people first. The Head of the United Nations ...

  9. Western Equatoria judges trained in courts and human rights

    25 November 2011 23 November 2011 – Continuing to bolster the capacity of South Sudan's judiciary, UNMISS Human Rights section conducted a one-day training for local judges today at the women's resource centre in t

  10. Pieri residents want SPLA to stay

    28 March 2012... the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) to remain in their area after the current civilian disarmament camp ...
