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  1. Opposition and Government forces move to training site in Western Equatoria

    3 February 2020 Opposition and Government forces move to training site in Western Equatoria

  2. New Nepal police team heading for Bentiu

    15 January 2014 15 January 2014 - Sending a new team of UN Police officers to the Unity State capital Bentiu would help UNMISS to better protect civilians seeking refuge in its base, UN Police Commissioner Fred Yi

  3. Uphold peace, says Warrap governor

    7 February 2014 6 February 2014 - Seeking to promote peace, Warrap State Governor Nyandeng Maliek Dielic today called on residents of Tonj North County to desist from revenge attacks and counter cattle raids.

  4. Following escalating cross-border and intercommunal conflict in Twic, UNMISS steps up patrols

    23 March 2022 Following escalating cross-border and intercommunal clashes between Twic, South Sudan and the Abyei Special Administrative Region, UNMISS has increased its protective presence through patrols and community engagement. The main aim...

  5. Western Equatorians pay tribute to Speaker Elisa

    24 August 2015 23 August 2015 - The late Speaker of Western Equatoria’s Legislative Assembly, Bage James Elisa, was laid to rest today following his fatal slaying on Friday eve

  6. UNMISS chief Shearer visits Bentiu and Leer

    8 February 2017 The UNMISS chief David Shearer continues to tour South Sudan. Today he visited Bentiu. (Scroll down for audio). The Head of UN Mission in South Sudan, David Shearer, is on a two-day visit to Bentiu an...

  7. UNHCR mobilizes South Sudan’s refugee children for schooling in Uganda

    9 December 2016 UNHCR mobilizes South Sudan’s refugee children for schooling in Uganda, here at the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement camp. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, has launched a public awareness...

  8. Situation dire in Awerial, humanitarian coordinator says

    11 February 2014 10 February 2014 - More than 75,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Mingkaman camp were living in dire health conditions, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator said during a visit to Aweria

  9. Agreement to stop fighting in South Sudan needs to be upheld

    2 May 2018 Agreement to stop fighting in South Sudan needs to be upheld The surge of violence in South Sudan’s Unity region “looks set to continue despite the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement that was signed last year...

  10. Inmates and prison officers in Bentiu receive medical treatment by UN peacekeepers

    14 September 2018 A total of 75 inmates and prison officers at the Bentiu prison have received free medical treatment by peacekeepers serving the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, as part of its mission to prot
