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  1. United Nations Police Advisor supports efforts of women police officers serving in South Sudan

    13 December 2019 Female UN Police officers meeting with the UN Police Advisor in Juba, 12 December 2019 UN Police Advisor Luis Carrilho poses for a photo with a group of UNPOL officers in Juba ...

  2. Struggling to survive

    13 January 2014 13 January 2014 - When Rebecca Gak heard shooting on 18 December, she ran from her small restaurant in the Jonglei State capital Bor, picked up her infant son and two daughters and fled.

  3. Taskforce formed to prevent rape and abuse in Western Equatoria

    11 September 2014 10 September 2014 - With high incidences of rape and sexual abuse in Western Equatoria, the state government and partners formed a taskforce today in the capital Yambio

  4. Japanese Ambassador visits UNMAS demining site in Nesitu

    30 November 2015 To see mine action work funded by a donation from Japan, the country’s Ambassador to South Sudan today visited a demining site in Nesitu, Central Equatoria State.

  5. Students from Wau join UNMISS, UN Country Team and state authorities to mark UN Day

    28 October 2021 “Children are future leaders of South Sudan and we are delighted to have young students join us as we mark the 76 th annive

  6. Chinese peacekeepers from UNMISS begin rehabilitating road connecting Tonj and Romich

    23 February 2022 Chinese engineers deployed with UNMISS in Warrap, South Sudan, have begun repairing the 120-kilometer road connecting Tonj town to Romich. Once completed, the road is expected to boost trade, enable communities to have better acce...

  7. DSRSG Soumaré visits Rumbek

    8 May 2015 7 May 2015 - To familiarize himself with the situation in Lakes State, the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (DSRSG) in South Sudan (Political) Moustapha Soumaré visited the

  8. SSNPS officers complete specialized training in Juba

    5 December 2013 4 December 2013 - UNMISS and the South Sudanese government had shifted from basic to more specialized training for national police personnel, the UN Police (UNPOL) Comm

  9. Awareness-raising campaign needed for rape victims and women in general in Yei

    20 December 2016 Access to health facilities in the Yei area has become severely limited because of multiple cases of looting and vandalism. John Abayi, a Clinical Officer at the Yei Hospital in Yei River State, says that sin...

  10. Return home from UN protection sites aided by humanitarian and peacekeeping support

    6 September 2017... The return of internally displaced people to their homes from UN Protection of Civilians  ...
