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  1. Women in Tonj: Now we know about our political rights

    7 March 2019 Women in Tonj becoming aware of their rights in decision-making processes. “I’m very ...

  2. UNMISS peacekeepers from South Korea begin repairing main road linking Bor and Pibor

    3 December 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers from South Korea have begun rehabilitating the road connecting Bor, Jonglei state, to Greater Pibor. The benefits: Increased trade, safety for women and social cohesion. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS ...

  3. Ahead of upcoming elections, UNPOL trains South Sudanese police on security management

    27 November 2023 Some 30 South Sudanese police officers, including five women, participated in a three-day workshop hosted by UNPOL in a three-day training on elections security management. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS. ...

  4. Despite recent conflicts, UNMISS Indian vets visit volatile Pibor to treat sick livestock and train locals

    9 October 2020 Prized assets received medical treatment as Indian vets serving with UNMISS visited the Pibor area. Conflict or no conflict, flooding or no flooding: cattle, essential to the livelihood of many South Su...

  5. UNMISS hands over renovated school in Kodok, Upper Nile State

    26 August 2021 Joy all around as children inspected their newly renovated school in Kodok, Upper Nile State. Photos: Samuel ...

  6. On Mine Awareness Day, communities urged to avoid, not touch and report any unknown objects

    7 April 2019 A bang is heard, and two children who have been playing with objects they have found drop to the ground, remaining motionless. The audience gasps, as an eerie silence follows.

  7. Security dialogue in Wau: Forces agree that single army must be united and work as one

    3 July 2024 Senior military officers from the country's main armed forces met in Wau to discuss how best to function together in a single national army. Photo: Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZA...

  8. Crime rising at Malakal protection site

    10 February 2015 9 February 2015 - The number of criminal acts committed at UNMISS Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Malakal, Upper Nile State, has doubled since last October, accor

  9. UN mourns peacekeeper killed in armed attack at funeral service in South Sudan

    28 June 2018... Lieutenant Commander Ashraf Siddiqui came together in their hundreds to mourn his death at the Bangladeshi contingent’s UN base in ...

  10. Bangladesh Engineering Company Repairs Road from Juba to Ladu

    27 October 2017 Bangladesh Engineering Company Repairs Road from Juba to Ladu Work has begun on repairing a major road linking the capital Juba to communities living in the north of the city by Bangladeshi engineers serving ...
