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  1. People slowly returning to Bor

    11 February 2014 11 February 2014 - Although the city has normalized after recent fighting, less the 2,000 people have returned to the Jonglei State capital Bor, according to aid agency

  2. South Sudan’s military and civil society in dialogue to stem conflict-related sexual violence

    19 June 2019 Ms. Huma Khan addresses participants during the dialogue. There is a new push to put an end to the spectre of conflict-related sexual violence in South Sudan, with a new form of engageme...

  3. Bor: Rolling away war wounds through baking

    24 July 2018 A group of South Sudanese youth in Bor, including Monica Awalith (right), receive bakery training from ...

  4. Security Council doubles UNMISS peacekeeping force

    25 December 2013 24 December 2013 - In the face of rapidly deteriorating security and a humanitarian crisis in South Sudan, the Security Council today authorized almost doubling the UNMISS force to about 14,000.

  5. Closing ceremony of 4 day training programme for members of community watch group

    2 February 2016 To enhance safety mechanisms for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in UNMISS protection sites, UN Police (UNPOL) Community Policing officers on Friday January 29, 2016 completed a training progra

  6. Students in Bor receive UNMISS training on gender and HIV awareness

    26 April 2017 Students in Bor receive UNMISS training on gender and HIV awareness. Approximately 200 students at Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology have been trained by UNMISS on gender and HIV a...

  7. Joy in Bentiu following convictions and acquittals in latest mobile court session

    5 February 2019 Koang Tap Gatkuoth has waited for years to see justice for his brother.

  8. Holiday revellers in Bor hoping for 2019 of peace and reconciliation

    2 January 2019 Peace, reconciliation and the safe return of the displaced were all high on the wish-lists of end-of-year holiday revellers in Bor. “Our 2019 should begin with a new page of love for one another.

  9. Revitalized peace agreement gives displaced people of Motti hope of returning home

    7 January 2019 More than a thousand families fled Motti due to violence which erupted in 2016. Improved security makes them dream of returning home. The people of Motti, a village in Eastern Equatoria, have been through a f...

  10. United Nations Police in Torit train police and prison personnel on gender issues and conflict-related sexual violence

    14 November 2019 Role play was part of the action when UN police officers trained Torit-based South Sudanese colleagues on a variety of crucial issues. A three-day workshop aimed at sensitizing personnel of the South Sudan Na...
