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  1. ‘Cling to every little sign of hope’ – outgoing head of mission in South Sudan

    30 November 2016 ‘Cling to every little sign of hope’ – outgoing head of mission in South Sudan On 23 July 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon announced the appointment of Ellen Margrethe Løj of Denmark as ...

  2. UNMISS official urges IDPs in Malakal to be calm

    23 April 2015 23 April 2015 - The top UNMISS official in the Upper Nile State capital Malakal today urged civilians seeking protection at the Mission’s base to maintain peace among themselves, despite resumption

  3. Jie and Murle communities undertake to bring anyone involved in buying and selling children to justice

    12 December 2019 A combined group of Kabirize women at the closing of Jie-Murle conference in Jebel Buma In July 2019, the Jie and Murle communities engaged in a bloody fight in Marua and other villages of South Sudan’s Boma ...

  4. Peacekeepers provide a reassuring presence in Tonj following spike in intercommunal violence

    17 February 2020 Regular patrols by peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan are helping restore calm to Tonj in the Warrap region which has suffered a recent spike in intercommunal viole

  5. Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan: Return to a Troubled Region

    28 September 2016 Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan: Return to a Troubled Region One highly anticipated parallel event of the high-level week of the General Assembly this year was the

  6. SSPS trained in criminal investigation

    9 November 2011 4 November 2011 – Aiming to boost the skills of local police, UN Police and the South Sudan Police Service (SSPS) concluded a criminal investigation training workshop today in the Eastern Equatoria

  7. UNMISS Conduct and Discipline Team trains community focal points in Torit on preventing sexual exploitation

    29 July 2021 19 community focal points received a refresher training facilitated by UNMISS on preventing sexual exploitation and abuse in Torit, Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Okello The Conduct and Discipline Te...

  8. - Chairperson’s Summary Ministerial meeting on South Sudan

    24 September 2016 Chairperson’s Summary Ministerial meeting on South Sudan At the initiative of the United Nations, core regional and international partners of the South Sudan peace process met on September 23, 2016, on the ma...

  9. Technical Committee for upholding children’s rights formed in Upper Nile

    1 November 2021 Upper Nile state joins its nine counterparts in South Sudan by establishing a Technical Committee to protect and uphold child rights. Photo by Samuel Adwok/UNMISS Upper Nile state finally witnessed th...

  10. Shaping Peace Now: “True peace starts at home,” – Esther Siama, South Sudan

    21 September 2020 Esther Siama works as a hairdresser in a salon in Yambio market, Western Equatoria. She hopes for a peaceful, prosperous future for all South Sudanese. “I remember being very scared as a child. Ambush...
