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  1. With UNMISS support, South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) takes steps toward increased accountability through General Court Martial (GCM) process

    19 June 2023 Juba, 19 June 2023 – The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) welcomes concrete steps taken by the Government of South

  2. Warring Jonglei communities sign peace agreement

    6 December 2016 Participants in the peace process signing the peace agreement between Murle and Dinka communities. The governors of Jonglei and Boma states, youths and paramount chiefs on Sunday (4 December) signed a peace a...

  3. UNMISS chief outlines churches and mission role in keeping peace

    10 May 2012 9 May 2012 - Churches in South Sudan were vital in mediating and realizing peace in the new nation, UNMISS head Hilde F. Johnson said today in the Central Equatoria town of Yei.

  4. Peace commitments and joy rule at UNMISS concert in Yambio

    13 September 2022 In Yambio, South Sudan, a peace concert organized by UNMISS and the state government wasn't merely a fantastic show. It also gave hope to concert goers that peace and unity in this young nation are a priority for leaders and commu...

  5. UNMISS engineers construct new dyke to protect Bor residents from floods

    19 November 2020 South Korean engineering troops serving with UNMISS are protecting residents in Bor from the effects of unprecedented floods. Engineering troops serving with the the United Nations Mission in South Suda...

  6. UNMISS committed to impartiality in South Sudan, says SRSG

    8 April 2013 8 April 2013 - The South Sudan government must take all necessary steps to protect civilians during ongoing military operations in Jonglei State, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-Gene

  7. Female prisoners learn dressmaking

    28 May 2012 25 May 2012 – Ten Juba Prison officers and four female inmates completed a two-week training course in sewing skills today that was organized by the Swedish Prison and Probation Service under the a

  8. UNMISS and UNDP jointly support review of Police-Community Relations Committees to bolster protection of civilians

    3 August 2021 UNMISS and UNDP have jointly embarked on reviewing Police-Community Relations Committees across Jonglei and Greater Pibor to ensure increased community ownership of law and order. This is part of a nation-wide revision of such Com...

  9. South Sudanese military personnel in Irube cantonment site request capacity building trainings be given to joint forces

    16 November 2021 Fifty South Sudanese military personnel in Iruba cantonment site, Eastern Equatoria, received a human rights training facilitated by UNMISS where they said they believe that given the relative peace in the state, all South Sudanes...

  10. UNMISS holds peace forums to debate women’s difficulties

    8 December 2015 In tackling difficulties faced by women in South Sudan, UNMISS has been holding Open Peace Forums in state capitals across the country.
