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  1. JMEC press release: JMEC dismayed by continued fighting in South Sudan

    8 February 2017 Festus Mogae, Chairperson of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), at today's plenary session. [THE FULL TEXT OF THE CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS ATTACHED BELOW.] (Audio from Radio ...

  2. Newly sworn in politicians in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal gather to build trust and confidence amid concerns of insufficient female representation

    26 March 2021 A hundred newly appointed politicians in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal State discussing how to function across party lines. Photos: Jimmy Ludanga/UNMISS Newly appointed state government officials in Western ...

  3. Escalation of fighting in South Sudan puts thousands of civilians at risk and compromises peace process

    27 April 2018 Escalation of fighting in South Sudan puts thousands of civilians at risk and compromises peace process A surge in violent clashes in Unity, Jonglei and Central Equatorias is having a devastating impact on th...

  4. UNMISS Police hands over building to serve as a crime data analysis facility to South Sudanese colleagues

    23 October 2020 There were all smiles behind the face masks as UNMISS handed over new facilities to the South Sudanese Police Services in Juba. L ieutenant Col onel Kuong Majoc , ...

  5. Children share stories of suffering with UN Security Council Working Group in South Sudan

    7 November 2018 James Korok is just nineteen-years-old but has already experienced a lifetime of pain, fighting as a child soldier in the war in South Sudan.

  6. The Secretary-General -- Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan New York, 19 December 2016

    20 December 2016 The Secretary-General  --  Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan  New York, 19 December 2016 The Secretary-General -- Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan

  7. “If there was no UN, the world would have to create one”—Deborah Schein, Head, UNMISS Bor

    9 December 2020 A New Yorker by birth, Deborah Schein had a natural interest in travel, history and politics.

  8. Bentiu-bound verification team vows to leave no stone unturned to remove children from armed forces

    16 May 2019 A joint verification team heading to Bentiu in search of children serving with armed forces. A joint team from South Sudan’s government and opposition forces has arrived in South Sudan’s northern town of Bent...

  9. Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer RJMEC 23 January 2020

    24 January 2020 Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer at the 23 January 2020 board meeting of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC). Briefing by th...

  10. UNMISS peacekeepers provide protective escorts to World Food Programme convoys

    28 April 2023... have ensured that 150 trucks of humanitarian supplies reach their destinations safely across greater Jonglei, one of South Sudan's most ...
