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  1. Rumbek police trained to protect vulnerable groups

    17 June 2014 16 June 2014 - In line with new UNMISS mandate which emphasizes protection of civilians, a training course for police officers ended in the Lakes State capital Rumbek t

  2. UNPOL trains women at protection sites in Juba

    2 July 2014 1 July 2014 - To sensitize women living in protection sites at UNMISS bases on how to deal with physical and gender-based violence, UN Police (UNPOL) today started a week-long training workshop.

  3. South Sudan at risk of failing – Kiir

    9 July 2014... in the referendum to become “first class citizens” in their own country, but were now at risk of losing that freedom, President Salva ...

  4. UNMISS helps prevent crime in Malakal protection areas

    22 July 2014 22 July 2014 - To boost security in its protection of civilians (PoC) areas, the UNMISS base in the Upper Nile capital Malakal has set up a mechanism to tackle crime.

  5. Women participate in peace dialogue in Yambio

    7 August 2014 5 August 2014 - To promote the role of women in peace and development, UNMISS today organized a one-day forum for women in the Western Equatoria State capital Yambio.

  6. Happy to be alive

    25 August 2014 Life as an internally displaced person (IDP) can be tough. But Marina Nyan, who is seeking shelter at an UNMISS base in Juba, is happy simply to be alive. For that she thanks UNMISS.

  7. IDPs in Malakal learn about new UNMISS mandate

    27 August 2014 27 August 2014 - Internally displaced people (IDPs) seeking shelter at the UNMISS base in the Upper Nile State capital Malakal today said they supported the mission’s new mandate.

  8. UNMISS South Korean engineers complete project in Bor

    29 August 2014 28 August 2014 - To assist Bor residents in dealing with incessant flooding during the rainy season, UNMISS South Korean engineers recently completed a River Nile embankment project in the Jonglei

  9. UNMISS honours fallen flight crew

    2 September 2014... service in Juba today. The three crew members died when their helicopter came down near Bentiu, Unity State, on 26 August. ...

  10. Bentiu celebrates International Day of Peace

    24 September 2014... 2014 - The crisis in South Sudan was denying people their rights to peace, education and healthy living conditions, UNMISS State ...
