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  1. Conversation will pave the road to peace: open dialogue held in Lui Payam, Western Equatoria

    5 September 2019... Residents of Lui Payam in Western Equatoria showed up en masse to discuss peace building measures in their area. Community members and government officials ...

  2. Training geared at eliminating conflict-related sexual violence held in Central Upper Nile

    23 September 2019

  3. UNPOL in action: Police in Gogrial receive training to fortify crime-fighting skills

    11 October 2019... Law enforcement officers in Kuacjok are sharpening their policing skills as they seek to better investigate and curb crime and ...

  4. UNMISS-funded repair of bridge brings relief to Joppa residents

    25 October 2019 The bridge linking Joppa to major markets, health centers and schools in the South Sudanese capital Juba is a lifeline for the local community.

  5. United Nations police tackles early and forced marriages challenges among school children in Torit

    7 November 2019 “Many cases of forced and early marriages are encouraged by our traditional leaders in the villages ...

  6. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on South Sudan

    12 November 2019 The Secretary-General welcomes the decision of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Council of Ministers, further to the agreement by the South Sudanese parties under the au

  7. Protecting civilians from HIV: UNMISS takes awareness training to Raja town

    10 December 2019 A trainer explains how correct and consistent use of condoms can prevent HIV infections. 36-year-old Raja resident Adam Arkangelo resolved to accept his new HIV status.

  8. Police in Tambura lament lack of department to handle cases of gender-based violence

    27 December 2019... in Tambura, Western Equatoria, inform UN counterparts about their precarious working conditions. Lack of a desk to ...

  9. Displaced people in Mundri camp suffer while waiting for transitional government to be formed

    27 January 2020 Mary Alex, internally displaced in Mundri, has become a versatile entrepreneur to make ends meet. Fetching and selling water to restaurant owners and firewood at the Mundri market is the daily routine of Mary...

  10. Women in Lakes call on parties to quickly implement revitalized peace agreement

    27 January 2020 A classic presentation of group discussions, here at a women's forum in Rumbek addressing the content of the revitalised peace agreement. Women in South Sudan’s Lakes region have called on parties to the revi...
