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  1. UN Security Council Condemns Fighting in South Sudan

    10 February 2017 UN Security Council Condemns Fighting in South Sudan The members of the Security Council strongly condemned continued fighting across South Sudan, particularly incidents in the Equatoria and Upper Nile region...

  2. UN Security Council Condemns Fighting in South Sudan

    10 February 2017 UN Security Council Condemns Fighting in South Sudan The members of the Security Council strongly condemned continued fighting across South Sudan, particularly incidents in the Equatoria and Upper Nile region...

  3. Unity school children learn about UNMISS, Mongolia

    5 November 2013 5 November 2013 - Pupils of a school in Rubkona County today learned about the role of UNMISS during the visit of a joint team of mission civilian and Mongolian military peacekeepers.

  4. UNMAS demolishes unexploded ordnances in Bentiu

    28 February 2016 The UN Mine Action (UNMAS) recently conducted controlled demolition of mines and unexploded ordnance which were left behind by warring parties in Bentiu and surrounding areas.

  5. UNMISS Torit celebrates Christmas with carols for peace with inter-faith communities

    17 December 2016 UNMISS Torit celebrates Christmas with carols for peace with inter-faith communities. UNMISS Rwandan troops participated in the “Christmas Carols for Peace”, an inter-faith group event organized by the Cathol...

  6. Note to Correspondents on South Sudan - UN SG Remarks

    12 May 2017 Note to Correspondents on South Sudan - UN SG Remarks Note to Correspondents on South Sudan

  7. UNMISS deploys more troops in Jonglei to protect civilians from intercommunal violence

    6 March 2020 Hundreds of civilians have been displaced by intercommunal fighting in different areas of Jonglei. UN peacekeepers have been deployed in a number of recently conflict-ridden areas in Jonglei, including Pibor,...

  8. Police in Tambura learn new skills from UN colleagues

    28 November 2022... Female police officers in Tambura want more women in their ranks. Most law enforcement agents at a recent training were men. Photos: ...

  9. UN condemns killing of peacekeeper in armed attack on convoy in South Sudan

    26 June 2018 A Bangladeshi peacekeeper was killed today during an armed attack on a United Nations convoy that was supporting the delivery of humanitarian aid to vulnerable civilians in the Central Equatorian r

  10. UNMISS police officers bring gifts and joy to children and women at Juba hospitals

    17 September 2018 Representatives of the UN Police Women Network visiting and handing over gifts to a children's hospital in Juba. For anyone being confined to a hospital bed, few things are as pleasant as surprise visitors br...
