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  1. CEPO launches social media campaign #PeaceJam against online hate speech

    20 September 2016... CEPO launches social media campaign #PeaceJam against online hate speech On Wednesday 21 September, the ...

  2. UNMISS head performs live with Emmanuel Kembe in support of peace

    10 August 2018 Head of UNMISS, David Shearer (right), with legendary South Sudanese musician, Emmanuel Kembe at the SSBC studios in Juba. Photo: Moses Pasi/UNMISS David Shearer and Emmanuel Kembe Live!’ was an unusual annou...

  3. National legislators attend human rights workshop in Juba

    27 June 2013 27 June 2013 - Since attaining independence, South Sudan has made important strides in establishing the necessary institutions for responding to the human rights needs of its people, UNMISS Human R

  4. Common Goal: Building Peace through Football

    20 October 2017 Common Goal: Building Peace through Football The referee blew the final whistle as the sun set behind the cloud filled sky.

  5. Chinese Peacekeepers rescue stranded trucks on remote roads in South Sudan

    15 November 2017 Chinese Peacekeepers rescue stranded trucks on remote roads in South Sudan Chinese peacekeepers have successfully cleared the main route into one of South Sudan’s more remote and dangerous regions by rescuing...

  6. Women in Warrap learn how to turn cow dung into charcoal

    21 January 2019 Plentiful cow dung may soon be turned into charcoal, with many positive spin-off effects. Cattle feces may not be very appealing, yet they can, in fact, be highly useful. Just ask a group of hundred women in ...

  7. Escalating intercommunal conflict could unravel the peace agreement

    9 June 2020 Juba, 9 June 2020: Escalating  intercommunal clashes in

  8. One fuel-efficient Rwandan stove, several solutions and lots of food for Korok West Village residents

    25 April 2023 Women and men in Juba's Korok West Village, guided by UNMISS peacekeepers from Rwanda, plant vegetables and learn how to use fuel-efficient stove. Photos: Moses Pasi/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – ...

  9. Upgrades to Lakes State High Court by UNMISS brings hope for better justice delivery

    21 November 2022 A Quick Impact Project funded by UNMISS and implemented by a local partner has given a boost to the justice system in Lakes state. The UN Peacekeeping mission recently handed over a sheltered waiting area, toilet facilities, solar...

  10. Investigation into November conflict begins in Unity

    16 December 2011 15 December 2011 - In tackling inter-clan conflict in Unity State, the state government set up a committee today in the capital Bentiu to investigate last month's clashes between youths from Rubkon
