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  1. Warrap bans plastic bags in state

    8 January 2015 8 January 2015 - Warrap’s governor has banned the use of plastic bags in the state, extending a cleanup campaign begun late last year to rid towns of rubbish.

  2. Peacekeepers donate materials to Bor orphans

    28 August 2013 28 August 2013 - To improve living conditions at a Jonglei orphanage, UNMISS South Korean engineers donated needed items today to the Orphan, Trauma and Healing Centre in the capital Bor.

  3. UN peacekeepers donate medicines to hospital and prison in Bor

    9 May 2018 UN peacekeepers donate medicines to hospital and prison in Bor Peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan have donated an assortment of some 30 different types of health-improving med...

  4. Some respite in Kong village as Mongolian peacekeepers provide much-needed medical services

    10 June 2019 26-year-old Mary Abuk has travelled for three hours, barefoot, to reach a medical camp run by Mongolian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in the country’s

  5. UNMISS organizes essay competition for peacekeepers day

    19 May 2015 18 May 2015 - As part of activities to commemorate International Peacekeepers’ Day this year, UNMISS today kicked off an essay-writing competition among students in Juba.

  6. UNMISS patrol improves security for travelers on Juba-Bor road

    8 September 2017 UNMISS peacekeepers patrol the Juba-Bor road to improve security following reports of armed groups operating in the area. The patrols follow a series of violent ambushes in May which resulted in the deaths of dozens of travelers. ...

  7. UNMISS opens new compound in Kuajok

    3 July 2013 2 July 2013 - Warrap State governor Nyandeng Malek congratulated the people of her state and UNMISS at today's formal inauguration of the mission's new compound in the state capital Kuajok.

  8. JMEC urges inclusivity in cantonment process

    21 November 2016 JMEC urges inclusivity in cantonment process The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) urged inclusive participation in the implementation of transitional security arrangements.   

  9. UNMISS Force Commander visits key UNMISS bases in Wau, assesses operational and security situation

    1 June 2023... Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), protecting civilians against armed violence is a top priority. ...

  10. Children of Peace in South Sudan Readied Through Educational Campaign

    6 September 2016 Children of Peace in South Sudan Readied Through Educational Campaign Hold the child, a non-profit organization supporting vulnerable children in disaster affected communities, has decided to respond to the p...
