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  1. UNMISS peacekeepers begin constructing vital road connecting Pibor and Labrab

    6 January 2023 To enable community connections and peaceful coexistence, UNMISS engineers from South Korea have begun constructing a 115-kilometer stretch of road between Pibor and Labrab, despite ongoing conflict in the Greater Pibor Administra...

  2. Acholi and Ma’di communities strive for peace

    19 April 2012 17 April 2012 - To resolve recurring land wrangles, mitigate future hostilities and strengthen coexistence, the Acholi and Ma'di communities of Eastern Equatoria State's Magwi County began peace ta

  3. A Happy Story

    5 July 2016 A Happy Story Sometimes a human life depends on having the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

  4. Dutch government reaffirms support for people of South Sudan

    29 July 2016 The Dutch Embassy in Juba has issued a statement reaffirming its continued assistance to the people of South Sudan, in view of the dire humanitarian situation pre

  5. Workshop on Civil-Military Relations Kicks off in Torit, Aims to Build Trust

    21 June 2017 Workshop on Civil-Military Relations Kicks off in Torit, Aims to Build Trust UNMISS commenced a three-day workshop on civil-military relations and community policing on Tuesday.

  6. UNMISS chief rides with boda boda motorcyclists in campaign for peace and safety

    29 March 2018 UNMISS chief rides with boda boda motorcyclists in campaign for peace and safety The streets of Juba were today lit up in midday excitement, as David Shearer, Special Representative of the Secretary-General a...

  7. Government and SPLM/A-iO commit to work together for peace at Terekeka event

    2 April 2019 Located on the shores of the River Nile, Terekeka was the venue for a meeting that would not have been possible just over six months ago.

  8. Senior commanders in Ashwa cantonment site call for increased training on the six grave violations against children

    28 September 2021 UNMISS, through its Child Protection Section, recently trained some 25 senior commanders of South Sudanese forces in Ashwa, Eastern Equatoria, on upholding the rights of children. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS. ...

  9. Child Protection

    16 October 2015 Who we are

  10. UNMISS Force Commander Awards Medals to Ethiopian Peacekeepers in Bor

    1 July 2016 Bentiu hospital has received a new water system from UN Childrens’ Organsation UNICEF.  The water pump produces 162-thousand litres of water a day, serving the hospital’s wards and outpatient facil
