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  1. Returnees and vulnerable groups in Wau receive brand new solar radios

    12 December 2019 Hajat Karama holds tightly onto her new solar radio Hajat Karama has been relying on people around her to get news and information about what is going on in her country.

  2. New UN Police Commissioner urges other female officers to join her in protecting civilians and building peace in South Sudan

    25 May 2018 Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, a national of Fiji, is the first-ever female Police Commissioner serving the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. It is a long way from her home on the beautiful Pacific island of ...

  3. DSRSG Soumaré calls on South Sudanese to make peace a reality

    16 July 2015 16 July 2015 - The outlook on the situation in South Sudan was not completely bleak, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (DSRSG) (Political) Moustapha Soumaré said in Juba today.

  4. Drafting with a difference: Kapoeta development organizations learn to write proposals too good to refuse

    20 June 2018 Development organizations around the globe are used to the fierce competition for funding for development initiatives.

  5. Zambian peacekeeper awarded 2020 United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year

    30 October 2020 Chief Inspector Doreen Malambo from Zambia has been named the 2020 United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year. She is currently serving as a Gender Adviser with UNMISS. New York, Friday, ...

  6. UNMISS hand over renovated classroom blocks to primary school in Bor

    1 September 2023 With classrooms in good conditions it is hoped that young boys and girls attending Bor A mixed primary school will learn more and better. Photos: Mach Samuel/UNMISS JONGLEI- If there is anything tha...

  7. UNMISS-supported tricycles reach rural communities in Western Equatoria with COVID-19 messages

    13 July 2020 The UNMISS COVID-19 communications toolbox is huge. In fact, even a tricycle fits, like here, in rural Western Equatoria. By foot, by car, and now by tricycle.

  8. UNMISS peacekeepers conduct air patrol to Ajakuac, discuss security and humanitarian concerns with communities

    23 November 2022 During a recent air patrol conducted by the UN Peacekeeping mission, UNMISS, to Ajakuac in Twic county, Warrap state, Blue Helmets interacted with community members who are reeling from climate shocks and conflict. Photo by Zejin ...

  9. Displaced communities receive free medical checks thanks to UNMISS peacekeepers

    15 January 2024 In Wau, some 500 patients in Naivasha internally displaced camp benefited from free medical treatment administered by UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh. Photo by Michael Wondi/UNMISS. WESTERN BAHR...

  10. As elections approach, Yambio journalists discuss reporting on sexual violence according to human rights standards

    20 November 2023 Peace begins when journalists are fully empowered to report on the impact of conflict. In Yambio, UNMISS held a workshop for 30 local journalists on ways to ethically document sensitive issues such as sexual violence. Photo by Den...
