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  1. UNMISS SRSG David Shearer Remarks to Media - 12 July

    12 July 2017 UNMISS SRSG: battle position around orphanage in Torit Remarks to the media by David Shearer, Special Representative of the Secretary-General,

  2. Freedom will not be reversed by challenges, says Kiir

    9 July 2013 9 July 2013 - The untold suffering of South Sudanese people had laid an important foundation in achieving freedom they now enjoyed, President Salva Kiir said in Juba today at the country second ind

  3. Displaced families in Rimenze peg hopes of return on success of the peace process

    24 October 2019 Hoshea Kumbonyeki prepared to go to work at his local church as part of his daily routine.

  4. UNMISS and UNDP train justice actors for circuit court deployment in Tonj South

    23 May 2024 UNMISS and UNDP jointly held a two-day workshop to prepare Tonj South for an upcoming circuit court. This initiative, which falls under the Kong Koc Project funded by the South Sudan Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, S...

  5. Heavy rains worsening IDP conditions in Bentiu

    11 August 2014 11 August 2014 - Humanitarians are facing mounting challenges assisting over 40,000 displaced persons in UNMISS protection of civilian (PoC) sites in Bentiu, Unity Stat

  6. UN peacekeepers rehabilitate roads to support needy communities in Greater Unity

    29 November 2018 Businessman Angelo Geng spent two weeks stuck on the road between the towns of Bentiu and Ajak Kuach after his car became bogged down in mud caused by heavy downpours during the rainy season.

  7. WFP expands assistance to South Sudanese

    13 January 2014 13 January 2014 - The World Food Programme (WFP) has launched a new emergency operation to expand assistance to people affected by crisis in South Sudan, according to a statement the agency issued

  8. UNMISS and the importance of a Torit road: Connecting people and keeping them safe and clean

    9 June 2023 Poetry in motion: Man, machine and pedestrians in perfect harmony, all thanks to Bangladeshi peacekeepers serving with UNMISS in Torit. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA- Melancholic. Ma...

  9. Building capacities, nurturing partnerships: UNPOL officers train national counterparts on crowd management

    9 April 2022... to control crowds in a peaceful and responsible manner by their UNPOL partners from UNMISS. Photo by Martin Siba/UNMISS ...

  10. Business owners and traders in Warrap benefit from an UNMISS training on management skills

    30 June 2021 Some 40 traders, business owners, members of religious groups and local authorities in Wunrok, located in Twic county of Warrap state, attended a four-day UNMISS-led training on leadership and management skills. Photo by Manyang M...
