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  1. UNMISS with partners hold electoral administration skills training in Yambio

    14 June 2024 Learning more about democratic electoral processes was the objective at a recent workshop organized by UNMISS in Yambio. Photos: Felix Francis Katie/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA – With South Sudan...

  2. No reason to celebrate independence, say internally displaced persons

    9 July 2014 9 July 2014 - Even before the crisis, many South Sudanese people saw no reason to celebrate independence, internally displaced persons (IDPs) said in Juba recently, ahead of today’s third independe

  3. Presence of UN peacekeepers brings relief and relative security to residents of greater Tonj

    4 March 2020 UNMISS Force Commander Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar listens to the concerns of residents of the recently conflict-stricken Tonj area. Following recent intercommunal clashes in greater Tonj near Kuajok...

  4. Humanitarian appeal seeks $1.1 billion, sets new direction

    14 November 2013 14 November 2013 - The South Sudanese government and aid agencies launched the humanitarian appeal for 2014-2016 today, seeking $1.1 billion to meet the needs

  5. UNMISS peacekeepers conduct assessment mission to Twic county following recent clashes with Abyei Special Administrative Region

    21 February 2022... the communities of Twic county in Warrap, South Sudan, with their neighbours across the border in the Abyei Special Administrative Region. ...

  6. Rights of prisoners emphasized when UN Police trained Bor Corrections Officers

    9 August 2022 Corrections Officers in Bor in the process of learning more about the rights of prisoners. JONGLEI- Human rights are universal.

  7. UNMISS electoral workshop prepares key stakeholders in Warrap State

    12 June 2024 Journalists, government officials and representatives of civil society organizations in Warrap all participated in a workshop to learn more about electoral processes. Photo: Zejin Yin/UNMISS WAR...

  8. In Lakes state, 16 Days of Activism reaches school students, civil society and women’s representatives

    2 December 2021... of Activism in Lakes, South Sudan, saw powerful testimonies against underage marriages by young secondary school students here. Photo by ... LAKES - The impact of early and forced marriages on young girls: This was the burning topic of ...

  9. UNMISS Force Commander visits Warrap following an upsurge of tensions

    21 February 2024 UNMISS Force Commander Lieutenant-General Mohan Subramanian visits Warrap to get insights about the security situation on the ground. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS. WARRAP – In South Sudan, subnat...

  10. Kiir stresses smaller government at independence anniversary

    12 July 2012 9July 2012 - As South Sudan celebrated its first independence anniversary, President Salva Kiir spoke about the country's achievements as well as plans to meet the budget deficit.
