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  1. UNMISS Force Commander leads patrol to deter armed attacks on road to Nimule

    24 July 2019 UNMISS Force Commander Shailesh Tinaikar drove his own vehicle on a full-day patrol to verify the security situation along the Juba-Nimule road. In the pre-dawn darkness, civilian and military peacekeepers ga...

  2. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General & Head of UNMISS at the 30th RJMEC Plenary Meeting [As Delivered]

    6 July 2023 [AS DELIVERED]

  3. An officer and a gentleman bids farewell: Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar, UNMISS Force Commander

    21 January 2022 Even a Force Commander is keen on receiving (another) UN peacekeeping medal. Outgoing Lieutenant-General Shailesh Tinaikar is no exception. Photos: Isaac Billy and Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS “My earliest m...

  4. Background

    16 October 2015 The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) was initially established for a period of one year from 9 July 2011, under Security Council Resolution 1996 (2011) , with the intent to renew for further periods as needed.  ...

  5. CEPO launches social media campaign #PeaceJam against online hate speech

    20 September 2016 Press Conference: UN Security Council delegation concludes South Sudan visit pt.5 Press Conference: UN Security Council delegation concludes South Sudan visit pt.5
