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  1. Briefing to the UN Security Council by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom

    15 September 2021 [AS DELIVERED] Mr. President,

  2. Children take on UN radio airwaves to champion their rights ahead of Day of the African Child

    15 June 2019 It may have started like any other day, but this was no ordinary day for a bunch of excited South Sudanese students.

  3. Western Lakes women demand their 35 per cent share of national power pie

    11 September 2019 These and other women in Western Lakes are demanding the political representation the revitalized peace agreement entitles them to. This November, South Sudan is expected to begin a new chapter in its history...

  4. Sun is all you need: UNMISS empowers Rumbek radio station

    13 July 2018 These high-wattage smiles could probably power the FM 98 radio station in Rumbek, too. Joseph Madit and Deng Mayen used to be privileged. As fluent speakers of Arabic, English and Dinka, they have always been...

  5. Chinese peacekeepers in Wau recognized for their work

    8 August 2019

  6. Displaced families deserve to realise their dream of returning home – UNMISS chief

    27 March 2019... war broke out in South Sudan, thousands of families fled their homes and sought sanctuary at the United Nations base in Wau. ...

  7. UN supports efforts to return displaced people back to their homes in South Sudan

    22 November 2018... in United Nations protection sites around the country after their parents sought sanctuary from the violent civil war that erupted more ...

  8. Opposition forces in Mogok commit to releasing any children found in their ranks

    11 September 2019 Opposition forces in Greater Jonglei, some of them females, being taught about children's rights. Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Army in Opposition (SPLMA-iO) soldiers stationed in Mogok Phow in Ayod Coun...

  9. UNDP Interactive Drama launched to rally communities for Peace

    30 August 2016 UNDP Interactive Drama launched to rally communities for Peace The United Nations Development program – UNDP in partnership with the Radio Miraya, a UN radio in South Sudan,  have launched a new phase of inte...

  10. Army reservists from the United Kingdom leave their mark on Malakal

    28 October 2019
