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  1. Tonj traders receive training to better manage their businesses and grow the local economy

    17 December 2019... received leadership training to help them manage and build their businesses in support of the local economy in Tonj. ...

  2. Communities in Jonglei work to bury their differences and build peace

    6 February 2020 When members of the Murle, Jie and Kachipo communities first met at a peace dialogue they sat separately, reflecting the tense and complex relationship that has developed as the result of persisten

  3. More than 30 police officers in Gogrial East trained as UNMISS peers hailed for their efforts

    24 February 2022 Police serving with UNMISS training South Sudanese colleagues in Warrap State on human rights, community policing and dealing with sensitivities surrounding cases of sexual violence. Photos: Zejin Yin/UNMISS ...

  4. UNMISS chief celebrates International Women’s Day by hailing women’s role as agents for peace

    8 March 2018 Women from all walks of life participated in the celebration of International Women's Day in Juba. A jam-packed Nyakuron Cultural Centre in Juba enjoyed a colourful celebration of the International Women’s Da...

  5. Young South Sudanese urge leaders to put the interests of the people above their own

    20 September 2018... of students sheltering from the midday heat and discussing their classes for the day ahead ...

  6. Murle leaders urged to resolve their political differences at reconciliation conference

    16 November 2017 Murle leaders urged to resolve their political differences at reconciliation conference ... United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to resolve their political differences and work towards pe ...

  7. Malakal communities mark Peace Day with a commitment to end hate speech, mis- and disinformation

    25 September 2023... An UNMISS workshop in Malakal, Upper Nile, sought to raise awareness on battling hate speech, mis- and disinformation. Photo by ...

  8. Children in Ngolembo receive a boost to their education, thanks to UNMISS

    4 November 2022 School children in Ngolembo, Western Bahr el Ghazal, no longer need to attend classes under trees. Thanks to an UNMISS intervention, the primary school in the area has been rehabilitated with seven classrooms, two office spaces an...

  9. UN volunteers in South Sudan celebrate their day with school children; help the sick

    5 December 2018... School, South Sudanese girls sing and dance, articulating their dreams and aspirations. ...

  10. Discussing peace over a cup of coffee: Displaced women in Tambura speak up

    15 March 2022... A cup of coffee and a safe place to share their stories: 250 women recently displaced by an upsurge of violence in Tambura, South Sudan, reveal how their harrowing experiences of conflict and loss have motivated them to become ...
