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  1. Ibba resident learn legal aid, rights and land issues

    17 April 2014 16 April 2014 - Aiming to assist residents with legal concerns, the Western Equatoria State Law Society and UNMISS completed a two-day workshop today in Ibba County on legal aid, human rights and l

  2. Revitalised Peace Agreement gives hope to war-affected population in Southern Unity

    18 October 2018  “We are hoping that the new Peace Agreement will change the current political situation in the country, and that it will unite and reconcile the people of South Sudan” said Nyaroom Ruei, a women’s

  3. Accountability a direct path to end conflict related sexual violence in South Sudan

    18 July 2023 Everyone must unite to end sexual violence say participants at an UNMISS-facilitated workshop in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area leads. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. JONGLEI/GPAA ...

  4. Young people in Yei plant trees, participate in a clean-up drive at local hospital for Youth Day

    17 August 2021... young people in Yei commemorated last week's International Youth Day by volunteering to plant trees and clean up hospital premises. Photo ... Last week’s International Youth Day found great support among young people in Yei. ...

  5. Leading the fight for gender equality and an end to violence against women in South Sudan

    19 June 2024... the "Mother & Childcare” organization 24-years ago in Aweil and relentlessly works to ensure women are allocated seats at the top ...

  6. Warrap community learns about justice, fair trials

    26 May 2014 22 May 2014 - To educate people of Gogrial West County, Warrap State, about the role of justice actors, rule of law and fair trials, UNMISS held a legal awareness event today for members of Yieth-l

  7. Human rights training kicks off in Torit

    4 November 2011 3 November 2011 - Aiming to raise the capacity of civil society advocates in promoting and defending human ...

  8. Wau commemorates World Food Day with exhibition

    17 October 2012 16 October 2012 – Nine local farmers with the best agricultural produce from Western Bahr El-Ghazal will travel to Juba and then China to learn improved farming methods, the state government's Mini

  9. Parliamentarians learn about child protection

    14 June 2013 13 June 2013 - South Sudan was determined to be removed from the UN Secretary-General's list of parties recruiting and using children in armed conflict, a top official in its army said today in Jub

  10. SSNPS presence must be felt, says UNPOL Commissioner

    31 July 2014... 31 July 2014 - The role of UN Police (UNPOL) in assisting their South Sudanese counterparts had changed “drastically” following ...
