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  1. Lakes State civil society sensitized on human rights

    23 March 2015 20 March 2015 - To raise awareness and sensitization on human rights amongst civil society ...

  2. Senior military officers in Jonglei State recommit to end violations of children’s rights

    13 January 2021... Infantry Division 7 in Jonglei State have reiterated their commitment to stop violating the rights of childr ...

  3. Addressing gender issues and COVID-19, UNMISS distributes aprons and face masks to women in Yambio

    12 March 2021 Aprons and face masks en masse in Yambio when UNMISS discussed gender issues with a group of women. ...

  4. Corrections officers in Eastern Equatoria State trained on prisoners’ rights, access to justice

    25 May 2021 Corrections officers in Torit learning more about prisoners' rights. Photos: Okello James/UNMISS Twenty prison officers have been trained in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, on promoting and protecting rights ...

  5. SPLA soldiers in Jonglei trained on child protection

    18 April 2013... in Jonglei state have been demobilized and reunited with their families since 2010, according to Abraham Atem of the South Sudan ...

  6. Campaign against gender-based violence kicks off in Bentiu

    4 December 2014 3 December 2014 - Aiming to raise awareness about the dangers of domestic violence and early marriage, humanitarian partners today kicked off a sensitization campaign ...

  7. UNMISS police encourage Yambio schoolgirls to choose education over early marriages

    15 March 2023... school in Western Equatoria to overcome challenges to finish their studies. Photos: Martin Siba/UNMISS WESTERN ...

  8. Bentiu residents committed to working with UNMISS to implement new mandate

    9 April 2018 Efforts to explain the new mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan and build trust and confidence with the community are underway with the first of a series of workshops held in Benti

  9. 120 South Sudanese military personnel trained on protecting child rights by UNMISS

    15 February 2022... facilitated by UNMISS on protecting child rights as well as their obligation to adhere to the Comprehensive Action Plan on ending all violations against children, which was signed in February 2020. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS ...

  10. UNMISS, UNDP, state government team up to sensitize community and traditional leaders on the Local Government Act

    17 June 2022 Some 50 traditional leaders benefited from a joint workshop conducted by UNMISS, UNDP and the state Ministry of Presidential Affairs in Bor, Jonglei. The focus: strengthening awareness of key roles and responsibilities as stipulat...
