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  1. SSPS officers attend trainings in Upper Nile

    6 June 2012 5 June 2012 -- UN police (UNPOL) advisers are conducting a series of training courses this month for South Sudan Police Service (SSPS) officers assigned to Upper Nile State.

  2. Women in Cueibet County call for inclusion in national peace process

    24 November 2015 Exclusion of women in Lakes State in consultations on the peace process led by Inter-governmental Authority on Development had left a gap which would affect the implementation of national peace pla

  3. UNMISS trains Upper Nile police officers in criminal investigations

    20 June 2013 18 June 2013 - UNMISS held a training workshop on effective criminal investigation for South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) officers in Manyo Country today as part of an ongoing effort to he

  4. Organized forces and other security actors in Malakal trained on gender equality by UNMISS, UN Women

    14 November 2021... in Malakal, Upper Nile, were trained on gender equality and their role in preventing violence against women by UNMISS and UN Women. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS. ...

  5. Military officers in Eastern Equatoria learn about importance of respecting human rights

    2 December 2022 Military officers having their awareness on human rights principles raised. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS ...

  6. UNMISS raises awareness on child protection issues among military personnel in Western Equatoria

    19 May 2022... State being told that children should not belong to their ranks. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS ...

  7. Women’s skill-building programme run by Bangladeshi peacekeepers gives hope in Wau

    28 June 2021 Some 13 young women in Wau, South Sudan, are building income-generating skills in tailoring and sewing thanks to UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh. Photo by Alahayi Nemaya/UNMISS. Some 13 women ...

  8. Women’s protection and strengthening state response to rising gender-based violence, focus of recent workshop

    17 May 2023... policies for preventing and responding to violence against women. Photo by Peter Bateman/UNMISS UNITY – In South Sudan, the world’s newest nation, violence against women and girls is often used as a weapon of war. ...

  9. South Sudan to launch campaign against SEA

    26 November 2013 26 November 2013 - South Sudan is set to launch the first ever nation-wide prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) campaign, joint national task force representatives said in Juba today.

  10. Remarks by Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary-General Courtenay Rattray and Jean-Pierre Lacroix, USG for Peace Operations [Near Verbatim]

    9 November 2022 SRSG’s introduction:
