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  1. UNMISS responds to early warning to prevent inter-communal fighting in Lakes

    16 July 2019 Early warnings of a potential revenge attack by the Rup community on their Pakam neighbours in the Greater Lakes area prompted the United Nations ...

  2. SSNPS makes efforts to build people’s trust

    29 January 2014 29 January 2014 - South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) was seeking to bridge the gap of trust between citizens and the force which had widened during the crisis in the country, the Inspector

  3. UNMISS supplies masks, protective equipment to local health workers in Torit

    14 May 2020 As part of its ongoing commitment to support local efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, UNMISS handed over some 7,000 face masks, protective glasses, gloves and disinfectants to local hospitals in Torit. ...

  4. South Sudan’s transitional constitution gives women better position, says UNMISS official

    8 December 2015 Provisions in South Sudan’s Transitional Constitution greatly improved the legal position of women and girls in the country, UNMISS Human Rights Officer Anthony Nwapa said in Juba today.

  5. Peace dialogues bring early signs of improved ethnic relations in greater Jonglei/Pibor

    1 March 2024 Recently and significantly improved relations between Lou Nuer and Murle communities are living proof of the wisdom of the old adage "if at first you don't succeed, try again." Photos by Khalif Farah & Islam Fady/UNMISS ...

  6. A peacekeeper and a leader: Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, UNMISS Police Commissioner

    6 October 2021 UNMISS' first-ever woman Police Commissioner, Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, ends her tenure today but leaves behind a formidable legacy of leadership, empathy and operational effectiveness. In this interview, she shares her powerful s...

  7. Displaced families return home from UN protection site in Wau

    19 February 2019 Ngovu village was a peaceful place to live before conflict erupted in the area three years ago.

  8. South Sudan crisis deepens as once-stable areas fall into violence – UN relief chief (includes video)

    11 August 2016 United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien during his recent visit to South Sudan. NOTE: Don't miss the video of Stephen O'Brien's pre...

  9. Torit civil society urges government to prioritize the needs of its people

    26 September 2018 Civil society in Torit is calling on the government to put the South Sudanese people’s needs at the forefront of the new peace deal signed in Addis Ababa just weeks ago. 

  10. Imprisoned juvenile offenders in Torit play and learn outside prison on a rare free day

    21 March 2019... Within the tall walls of a prison fence, they have lived, in their hundreds.  They have no clue what goes on around Torit town, because ...
