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  1. South Sudan and Sudan extend deal on oil financial arrangements

    21 December 2016 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support ...

  2. Advocacy group supports victims of gender based violence

    8 December 2016 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support ...

  3. Communities in Greater Jonglei resolve to close the chapter of bloodshed

    12 August 2019 “This is a year of peace. Anybody that has benefitted from our suffering, you go and look for something to eat from somewhere else not from our blood!”

  4. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, the Secretary-General's Special Representative and Head of UNMISS at the 34th RJMEC Plenary Meeting

    8 February 2024 Near Verbatim RJMEC Chair,

  5. UNMISS conducts three-day peace workshop in Tambura following recent upsurge of violence

    3 August 2021 UNMISS together with partners held a three-day peace forum in Western Equatoria to build trust and confidence following a recent spate of armed attacks in and around Tambura. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS. ...

  6. Ana Taban calls on local artists to use art in peacebuilding

    20 June 2017 Ana Taban calls on local artists to use art in peacebuilding The founder of Ana Taban Arts Initiative told a spectrum of artists from Yei comprising of musicians, comedians, artists of fine art, dramatists, a...

  7. Week-long police training seeks to boost child protection in South Sudan

    25 July 2018 Child protectors: 23 Police Advisers from 10 regions in South Sudan at a‘training of trainers’ workshop in Juba, conducted by the UN Police Child Protection Unit. Joshua Mmali

  8. Bor student at UNMISS vocational training centre“: I want to be that change that comes to my community”

    4 September 2019 A smile comes easily when you have just been admitted to the UNMISS vocational training centre in Bor. “This is a chance to study at a high-quality vocational training centre in a newly-independent nation and...

  9. Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General United Nations Day 2019

    25 October 2019 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deng Dau Deng.

  10. UNMISS supports local peace and security committees in Lakes to prevent intercommunal conflicts

    4 April 2023... violence, often related to cattle and involving youth, has been common in Lakes State. ...
