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  1. JMEC pledges support for South Sudan’s proposed national dialogue

    17 December 2016 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support ...

  2. NEAR VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT Media Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, Mr. David Shearer Juba – South Sudan Monday, 09 March 2020

    10 March 2020 UNMISS chief David Shearer answered numerous questions at a press conference in Juba on 9 March. (Scroll down for Q&A session)

  3. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivers message of peace

    1 January 2017 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support ...

  4. Bangladeshi peacekeepers renovate football fields for third National Unity Day

    6 January 2018 UNMISS is contributing to the third National Unity Day in Juba by means of its Bangladeshi Engineering Contingent, which is renovating football fields in the capital. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan...

  5. Joint Statement of the Trilateral Taskforce on Permanent Constitution-Making & Electoral Processes Support to South Sudan

    27 February 2024  [ Delivered at the AU PSC meeting ]

  6. Refugee day celebrated in South Sudanese states

    20 June 2014 20 June 2014 - Different states in South Sudan today commemorated World Refugee Day through activities involving refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups.

  7. Peace Day panel discussion concludes with a call to end conflict, uphold human rights and foster reconciliation efforts

    23 September 2021 On International Day of Peace, UNMISS brought together stakeholders on a spirited panel discussion aimed at solutions for building a more peaceful, prosperous and resilient South Sudan. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS ...

  8. Juba protection of civilians forum ends with unanimous call to end violence, foster social cohesion

    22 December 2022 Internally displaced persons and representatives from six neighbouring communities in Juba recently gathered to discuss how to better keep civilians safe and relations harmonious. Photos: James Sokiri/UNMISS ...

  9. UN General Assembly President meets displaced people and supports efforts to protect communities through de-mining in South Sudan

    15 June 2024... tents live tens of thousands of people forced to flee their homes when civil wa ...

  10. Displaced boys and girls in Bentiu receive volleyball training by UN peacekeepers

    11 July 2018 UN peacekeepers in Bentiu give youths a chance to become better volleyball players and to interact with each other in a friendly way, thus promoting reconciliation and unity. Nyayida Osama is one of more than...
