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  1. UNMISS partners with state government in Eastern Equatoria to celebrate a decade of South Sudan’s independence

    13 July 2021 Some 3,000 people across Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, came together in a colorful and heartfelt celebration marking the 10-year independence anniversary of this young nation. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS. ...

  2. Governor’s Forum in Western Bahr el Ghazal discusses building an inclusive peace

    1 November 2021 A three-day Governor's Forum, supported by UNMISS and Community Empowerment for Peace Organization (CEPO), focused on creating an inclusive Action Plan for building peace that reflects community concerns as well as functions as a ...

  3. Football helps promote gender equality, unity in diversity on International Day of Sports for Development and Peace

    8 April 2022 April 6 is annually observed as International Day of Sports for Development and Peace. In Juba, South Sudan, this Day saw two talented women's football teams put up a thrilling show for spectators, shattering gender stereotypes an...

  4. Paramount chief: “After five long years, If I can return to Waat, peace is here”

    25 February 2019 People living in the Bieh, Lankien and Akobo areas of the Jonglei region are hopeful for peace to prevail. “I left Waat five years ago. Today if we are here, I am sure that peace is here. I am happy that toda...

  5. UNMISS raises awareness on safety, security and human rights for communities in Kuba

    29 March 2023... South Sudan's capital, communities in Kuda knew little about their rights, plagued as they were with cattle raids, conflict and a lack of ... 61 residents have actively gained necessary knowledge on their human rights, plus come up with innovative solutions to ameliorate their ...

  6. - SRSG Shearer - International Day of UN Peacekeepers (remarks as delivered)

    29 May 2017 SRSG Shearer - International Day of UN Peacekeepers (remarks) Honourable Minister of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, Jemma Nunu Kumba   Distinguished government officials;

  7. UNMISS peacekeepers protected civilians in Pibor against feared attack

    24 March 2017 Scared civilians fleeing Pibor town, fearing an imminent outbreak of violence that ended up not happening. For a few hours, hundreds sought shelter close to the UNMISS base. On Thursday afternoon between 800 ...

  8. As security slowly improves in Tambura, UNMISS builds skills among conflict-affected community members

    19 August 2022 With the security situation in Tambura, Western Equatoria, slowly improving after months of violence, UNMISS together with local implementing partner Anika Women's Organization, held a three-month skills training for 60 displaced ...

  9. Week-long UNMISS patrol in Eastern Equatoria aims at deterring violence in conflict hotspots

    23 July 2021 An integrated UNMISS patrol to remote villages in Ikotos, Eastern Equatoria, is aiming to help local communities break a vicious cycle of cattle raids, ambushes and revenge attacks that have caused loss of lives and created a fear...

  10. High-level UN delegation visits South Sudan

    24 June 2014 23 June 2014 - President Salva Kiir had expressed his government’s firm commitment to adhere to South Sudan’s Action Plan to end recruitment and use of children in armed forces, Special Representat
