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  1. No more (involuntary) sitting under trees as UNMISS hands over new primary school in Awada

    29 May 2019 “Our mandate is to protect civilians and build durable peace. Education is key to sustainable development.”

  2. UNMISS facilitates peace workshop and a football tournament in Tambura

    9 March 2023... fragile peace, UNMISS recently held a two-day workshop for youth and a football match here. The aim: To promote social cohesion. Photo by ...

  3. Pastoralists in Malual-Muok commit to honouring cattle migration agreement

    21 November 2018... cattle keepers in South Sudan’s Malual-Muok have renewed their commitment to respect the terms of a cattle migration agreement with ...

  4. Female opposition soldiers in Mogok talk on being torn between war and peace

    19 September 2019

  5. Japan-backed mine clearance efforts in South Sudan give new promise to displaced

    21 November 2019 Technicians demonstrate the cluster munition surveillance process Magwi county was once home to a thriving agricultural community that produced staple crops like maize, beans, eggplants, tomatoes, and many ot...

  6. Respect for cattle migration laws underscore community-proposed resolutions at a recent UN-backed conference

    24 April 2023... cattle owners from Sudan reaching amicable resolutions with their counterparts in the world's newest nation. Photo by Roseline Nzelle ... northern neighbour, Sudan, cross the border to ensure their anim ...

  7. UNMISS and state government conduct fact-finding mission to troubled Kapoeta North

    25 July 2022 UNMISS and representatives of the Eastern Equatoria State government engaging with conflict-affected communities in Kapoeta North. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA- Recent cattle raids ...

  8. UNFPA launch State of the World Population Report 2016 in South Sudan

    31 October 2016... Population Report 2016 in South Sudan Early and forced marriages, teenage pregnancies and HIV/AIDS are undermining ...

  9. Opposition forces in Eastern Equatoria continue registrations at cantonment sites

    11 November 2019 Opposition soldiers continue to register at the five cantonment sites in Eastern Equatoria. While the formation of a unity government has been postponed by another 100 days, opposition forces in Eastern Equat...

  10. The Secretary-General -- Address to the General Assembly New York, 20 September 2016 [Bilingual, as delivered version]

    20 September 2016 The Secretary-General -- Address to the General Assembly New York I stand before you with gratitude for your support across the decade I have had the privilege to serve this great organization, the United Nat...
