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  1. UNMISS chief rides with boda boda motorcyclists in campaign for peace and safety

    29 March 2018 UNMISS chief rides with boda boda motorcyclists in campaign for peace and safety ...

  2. Alain Noudehou, DSRSG, , Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in South Sudan; Press Conference-Opening Remarks

    22 November 2017 Good morning. Thank you for joining this press briefing today. My first formal encounter with you since arriving in Juba two months ago.

  3. Local communities in Lafon help humanitarian partners recover stolen items following recent ambush

    13 August 2021... of Lafon County, who managed to recover goods stolen from a humanitarian partners as one of its convoys was recently ambushed. Photos: ...

  4. World Humanitarian Day celebrated in Juba

    20 August 2015... began in 2013 and many more were missing, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country said today in Juba. ...

  5. UNMISS condemns killing of humanitarian worker in Bunj, Upper Nile State

    4 August 2014 Juba, 4 August 2014 – UNMISS is deeply concerned about the deteriorating security situation in Bunj, Maban County, Upper Nile State, where, since yesterday, there have been clashes between a commun

  6. UNMISS deplores killings of more humanitarian aid workers in Maban County

    6 August 2014 Juba, 5 August 2014 - The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) condemns in the strongest possible terms the killing by the so-called Mabanese Defence Forces of at least five South Sudanese employees

  7. Message from the Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Mr Toby Lanzer

    21 August 2013... we are part of a global commemoration marking the work of humanitarian staff across the world. ...

  8. High-level delegation visits Jonglei state, led by acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan

    29 October 2021... A high-level delegation, led by the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Arafat Jamal, visited Jonglei state to get a first-hand look at the dire humanitarian situation caused by massive floods. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS ...

  9. UNMISS SRSG David Shearer; Remarks on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day 2017 #NOTATARGET

    19 August 2017... Click Here for the remarks on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day 2017 #NOTATARGET by the UNMISS SRSG, David Shearer. ...

  10. Statement attributable to the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Lise Grande

    14 November 2011 Juba, 11 November 2011 - Ms.
