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  1. South Sudanese police officers, women’s representatives in Western Equatoria meet, discuss issues at an UNMISS workshop

    14 November 2021... together to discuss issues related to women's protection, human rights and the role played by UNMISS as well as local law enforcement in ...

  2. SPLM youth learn more about the revitalized peace agreement and UNMISS mandate

    31 January 2019... An interactive quiz session to test a group of youth on their knowledge about the working of ...

  3. Mitaya Christmas events

    28 December 2012 UN Radio Miraya on-line quiz show at Juba's Confident Children out of Conflict Orphanage in a Christmas ...

  4. Miraya Christmas

    3 January 2013 UN Radio Miraya on-line quiz show at Juba's Confident Children out of Conflict Orphanage in a Christmas ...

  5. Juba orphanage

    3 January 2013

  6. Celebrating with Culture and Colour on UN Day in Wau

    24 October 2017 Celebrating with Culture and Colour on UN Day in Wau Celebrations to mark the 72 nd anniversary of the United Nations began in Wau with a colourful and cheerful morning procession through the town in the n...

  7. Unity State concludes 16 Days of Activism

    11 December 2012 7 December 2012 - Girls in Unity State were increasingly opposed to early and forced marriage, an informal student survey in the state capital Bentiu revealed today.

  8. “Stand Up For Someone’s Human Rights, today, tomorrow, everyday”: UNMISS Human Rights Chief

    17 October 2017 “Stand Up For Someone’s Human Rights, today, tomorrow, everyday”: UNMISS Human Rights Chief ...

  9. Mine Action responds to South Sudan crisis

    5 April 2014 4 April 2014 - The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) had adapted its programme in South Sudan to respond to evolving needs during the current crisis, the organization’s programme manager, Lance Malin

  10. In Ibba, an UNMISS peace campaign encourages women’s participation in peacebuilding

    6 October 2023 An UNMISS peace campaign in Ibba, Western Equatoria, brought together community members, activists and officials in support of durable peace. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA – L...
