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  1. “Until all of us are free, none of us are”: The story of peacekeeper Stephanie Palfrey Sneddon

    4 December 2020 Despite the pressures of her duties serving in the UNMISS Joint Operations Centre in Juba, Captain Stephanie Palfrey-Sneddon, an Australian peacekeeper, is using her rare spare time to lead a project to help local children access ...

  2. South Sudan launches human rights plan

    14 June 2012 13 June 2012 - Lack of laws and weak institutions made promoting human rights in South Sudan a difficult task, Vice-President Riek Machar said today in Juba.

  3. Yambio IDPs receive food from national crisis committee

    11 February 2014 10 February 2014 - About seven metric tons of food and non-food items arrived today in Yambio for internally displaced persons (IDPs) who had fled recent violence, acco

  4. Sports brings South Sudanese youth together on National Unity Day

    30 January 2018 The many diverse cultures that make South Sudan special were celebrated in song and dance as hundreds of young sports stars gathered in the capital for the launch of National Unity Day.

  5. “Turn words into action” - UN Relief Chief tells Government of South Sudan

    13 March 2017     13 March 2017 - “Assurances by senior Government officials of unconditional access and no bureaucratic impediments now need to be turned into action on the ground,” the UN's top hu

  6. Indian peacekeepers give Malakal vet hospital a facelift

    4 August 2019 A vandalized veterinary hospital in Malakal has been given a comprehensive makeover by Indian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.

  7. “Education liberates women.” – Roda Sube, Gender Affairs Officer, UNMISS.

    26 November 2021 WARRAP - Roda Wasuk Primo Sube wears many hats.

  8. Peace and development partners launch project in Tonj funded by South Sudan Multi Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience

    30 December 2022 In greater Tonj, Warrap state, UNMISS, UNDP and partners have come together to launch a community stabilization project funded by the South Sudan Multipartner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience (RSRTF). T...

  9. UN rights chief says AU report on violations should be released

    6 February 2015 5 February 2015 - Rather than delay releasing its report on human rights violations during the South Sudan conflict, the African Union should issue the document “very

  10. UNMISS expresses deep concern at ongoing violence in Pibor

    16 May 2021 Juba, 16 May 2021: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Nicholas Haysom, has expressed deep concern ov
