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  1. Immigration officers in Eastern Equatoria trained to help deter sexual crimes against foreign traders

    20 October 2019 “Today is the right time.

  2. Concerns about rising sexual violence and gender-based violence in Yei expressed during UNMISS visit

    21 June 2024... the need for further efforts to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence during a visit to the Yei One Stop Centre for ... in Central Equatoria. Photo by Taban Geofrey Koma Alfred/UNMISS. CENTRAL EQUATORIA -  Concerns have ...

  3. Communities urged to support survivors of sexual violence rather than blaming and shaming them

    14 July 2019 UNMISS and the South Sudan Council of Churches discuss the stigma associated with sexual violence with male and female residents of the Protection of Civilians ...

  4. UNMISS engages with opposition forces in Nyara cantonment site to prevent gender-based violence

    5 December 2019 Opposition forces at the Nyara cantonment site being reminded to refrain from gender-based violence. “Here in Nyara, we don’t rape, we are organized.

  5. UNMISS concludes workshop on elimination of sexual violence in conflict in Jonglei

    4 July 2016 UNMISS concludes workshop on elimination of sexual violence in conflict in Jonglei The UNMISS Human Rights Division in collaboration with the Jonglei State Ministry ...

  6. Stakeholders in Jonglei reaffirm pledge to end sexual violence

    28 June 2024 In Jonglei State, UNMISS and other stakeholders came together to observe the International Day for the Elimination of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, stressing the significance of safeguarding the rights of women, men, and children. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. BOR – On the recent International ...

  7. Breaking the silence about sexual gender-based violence in the Unity region

    18 December 2018... Following recent reports about large-scale sexual violence targeting women in the Unity region, UNMISS organized a workshop with community leaders and security forces to ...

  8. Rights activist speaks out against sexual violence in Juba

    25 July 2016 Rights activist speaks out against sexual violence in Juba South Sudan human rights activist ... the government to deliver on its commitment to prevent sexual violence and other abuses against women, especially in times of confli ...

  9. Visiting Malakal, UN Special Envoy for Sexual Violence in Conflict urges reparations for victims and end to impunity

    4 July 2018... United Nations Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, arrives in Malakal. ... delegation led by United Nations Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, has visited the town of ...

  10. UNPOL trains South Sudanese counterparts on interviewing underage survivors of sexual violence

    29 June 2021... necessary skills to interview minors who are survivors of sexual abuse by UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS during a five-day training. Photo by Moses Pasi/UNMISS. ...
