Press releases

  • Accountability for abuses remains one of biggest challenges in South Sudan says UNMISS Human Rights Director (including audio version)

    Many thousands of people have sought protection after recent violence in Wau. A lack of accountability for abuses against civilians remains a huge challenge, according to the UNMISS Human Rights Director.

    23 Apr 2017 - (Scroll down for audio version) A lack of accountability for crimes perpetrated during the ongoing conflict in South Sudan remains one of the country’s “biggest challenges” the UNMISS Human Rights Director has said.
  • 19 Apr 2017 - The warring parties in South Sudan have been urged by the most senior UN official in the country to show restraint in the face of an escalation in violence and remember their responsibility towards protecting civilians from conflict. Fresh fighting has broken out between government SPLA and opposition forces in a number of locations including Raga in the west of South Sudan, Waat in Jonglei to the east and in the area of Wunkur and Tonga in the northern Upper Nile region.
  • UNMISS UNMAS South Sudan photo exhibition mine awareness song Beware the Jay Family Juba

    One of the photos of the exhibition launched by UNMAS in Juba. Photo: UNMAS/Martine Perret

    07 Apr 2017 - The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), in commemoration of 4 April, “International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action,” presents an online exhibition of 20 mine action images which depict mine action operations and the positive impact on civilians across South Sudan. The photos are currently on display at UN House for the next week and will be shown in other locations in Juba throughout the year.
  • 30 Mar 2017 - The ongoing conflict in South Sudan is affecting food security in some of the country’s more “stable states,” the head of UN peacekeeping in South Sudan, UNMISS, has said. David Shearer, the UN’s most senior official in the country, was speaking during a visit to Aweil in the north of South Sudan.
  • 30 Mar 2017 - The authorities in Gogrial have been praised by the most senior UN official in South Sudan for closing seven road blocks in the state, a move which has facilitated both trade and enabled humanitarian access.
  • UNMISS chief David Shearer urges the South Sudan government to "investigate and apprehend" the killers of six aid workers UNMISS South Sudan

    UNMISS chief David Shearer strongly condemns the killing of six aid workers, calling it "utterly reprehensible".

    26 Mar 2017 - (Scroll down for audio version) The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan, David Shearer has urged the South Sudanese government to investigate and apprehend the killers of six aid workers on Saturday.
  • The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Eugene Owusu, has strongly condemned the killing of six aid workers in an ambush on 25 March

    The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Eugene Owusu, strongly condemns the killing of six aid workers in an ambush on 25 March.

    26 Mar 2017 - The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Eugene Owusu, has strongly condemned the killing of six aid workers in an ambush on 25 March. The aid workers were travelling from Juba to Pibor. “I am appalled and outraged by the heinous murder yesterday of six courageous humanitarians in South Sudan,” said Mr. Owusu. “At a time when humanitarian needs have reached unprecedented levels, it is entirely unacceptable that those who are trying to help are being attacked and killed.”
  • Large majority of Imatong residents flee due to a lack of food (press release, including audio) UNMISS South Sudan

    UNMISS chief David Shearer today visited Torit in Imatong State, an area from which as many as 75 per cent of the residents may have fled due to a lack of food.

    23 Mar 2017 - (Scroll down for audio version) Up to 75 per cent of people living in Imatong state may have left their homes because they cannot get enough to eat, the head of the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan, David Shearer, has been told by community leaders in Torit. Mr Shearer was visiting Torit on Thursday, his first mission to the capital of the state.
  • The Secretary-General   Remarks at the Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination  Racial Profiling and Incitement to Hatred, including in the context of migration 21 March 2017 [as delivered]

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Together for respect, safety and dignity for all.

    21 Mar 2017 - As the President of the General Assembly just referred, this day reminds us that in 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa, 69 unarmed protestors were killed in a peaceful protest against the discriminatory pass laws of the racist apartheid regime. I join my voice to his voice in praising South Africa’s leadership in our common struggle  against racial discrimination.
  • Near Verbatim transcript of press conference by USG Hervé Ladsous UNMISS South Sudan 21 March 2017

    Hervé Ladsous (in the middle), Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, at today's press briefing in Juba, South Sudan.

    21 Mar 2017 - 21 March 2017 Media Briefing by Mr. Hervé Ladsous. Juba, Republic of South Sudan, 21 March 2017   UNMISS Spokesperson – Daniel Dickinson:
