Press releases

  • 22 Feb 2013 - Juba, 22 February 2013: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General to South Sudan, Ms. Hilde F. Johnson, is deeply concerned about recent developments in Jonglei. "Unless community leaders and government authorities take decisive action to stop the violence, stability in the whole of Jonglei state will be at stake," she said, following a two-day visit to the areas hardest hit by recent instability and cattle raiding.
  • 11 Feb 2013 - 09 February 2013 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) extends its warm congratulations to Bishop Emeritus Paride Taban on the award of the 2013 Sergio Vieira de Mello Peace Prize. Today, a prominent South Sudanese actor for peace has been given a richly-deserved recognition of his efforts and accomplishments in building trust and peace between different communities in the Holy Trinity Peace Village in Kuron, in the Eastern Equatoria State.
  • 11 Feb 2013 - 10 February 2013 - South Sudan has now become a pilot country for the UN Plan of Action on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity. The Plan of Action aims to create a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Barnaba Benjamin Marial has committed to South Sudan becoming a pilot country.
  • 14 Jan 2013 - The newly appointed UNMISS Force Commander Maj. General Delali Johnson Sakyi of Ghana took up office today in Juba. Maj. General Sakyi has more than 34 years of extensive military command and staff experience at both national and international levels.
  • 25 Nov 2012 - Juba, 25 November 2012 – 25 November marks the International Day to End Violence Against Women.To commemorate the occasion, South Sudan will embark on 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence under a national theme, "Promote Peace at Home, Stop Gender Based Violence and Child Marriage".
  • 24 Oct 2012 - Juba, 24 October 2012 - Thousands of UN staff took part today in a series of nationwide ceremonies and events with South Sudanese partners to celebrate UN Day. The day marks the commitment and the dedication of the UN family to support peace and development in South Sudan.
  • 11 Oct 2012 - Juba, 11 October 2012 – On the International Day of the Girl Child 2012, commemorated for the first time, the UN calls on families, communities and governments at all levels to end child marriage in South Sudan. The day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.
  • 18 Sep 2012 -
    Lẩẩr k.. Kui Kớớr te kam dớớri Jonglei kẩ Jinub Sudan
    Ji United Nation tin tekẩ Jinub Sudan (UNMISS) en wale ca Lẩẩr Thớp ke taa in ciken e diel guec ke kui kớớr kam dớớri Jonglei, min ci ney ti kur nak ke ru..n 2011 kene 2012.
  • 18 Sep 2012 -
    Kaviyaak ci akaathi Oroon o ool Wabaak Looce o kaazi Jongolei
    Obortha Waanico Alaata wagaam yunamis Looce o ool o koolik Sudana Ngina keengthi ci Oroon ci oroone ool wabaak looce o kaazi Jongolei baal adangni ool ceen kaboth ki kaboth irkithe baal ako e kibeen buk irkithe ci ngaan awo nooko.
  • 25 Jun 2012 - Juba, 25 June 2012 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) today released a report on the findings of its in-depth investigation into the inter-communal violence in Jonglei State, that claimed the lives of hundreds in 2011 and early 2012.
