Aweil North calm, says Acting Governor

14 Jan 2014

Aweil North calm, says Acting Governor

14 January 2014 - The situation in Aweil North County was peaceful and security organs must work to maintain this, Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State Acting Governor Lino Adup Achier said today in Gok Machar.

During a visit there with senior officials, including UNMISS State Coordinator Seth Kumi, the governor briefed local authorities, organized forces and traditional leaders on the political and security situations in the county.

“Here in Gok Machar the security situation is calm,” Governor Achier said. “This is what we want. We want to tell the people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state that there (is nothing to) fear.”

“People should not (listen to) phones or rumors,” the governor added. “I call upon the security agents to cooperate so that they maintain security in the state.”

Mr. Kumi stressed that the mission would remain in the state with the same mandate. He noted that a few people had sought refuge in the UN compound at the beginning of the crisis but all had since returned to their homes.

“We will continue with our operations as usual,” Mr. Kumi said. “We have not reduced our staff, we are continuing with our programmes as we did before the crisis.”

Aweil North County Commissioner Kuol Athuai Hal confirmed the presence of Rezaigat nomads in the county. He said the two communities would begin the migration conference on 20 January.