Boost for livestock farmers in Malakal as UNMISS peacekeepers train animal health workers
Fifty-five community animal health workers have successfully completed a four-week training on livestock disease management. Indian peacekeepers based in Malakal provided the capacity building to the health workers with mostly four-legged clients. Most of the keen learners were drawn from the local veterinary department.
One of the trainees, Sarah Lual, described her desire to jumpstart a career in animal health and gain economic stability for herself and her loved ones.
“I have been trained on how to provide veterinary support and how to treat common animal diseases,” she said. “With this knowledge I can provide these services and get a better income for my family.”
The training was conducted as part of a quick impact project funded by the UN mission in South Sudan. It aimed at familiarizing the students on best practices in animal husbandry, health and production, disease control and vital veterinary services. It follows and complements last year’s rehabilitation of a veterinary hospital in Malakal.
Acting governor John Odhong appreciated the peacekeepers’ continued efforts in conducting animal health camps and other capacity building initiatives in the region.
“Other areas don’t have such privileges, but since we do, we are committed to working with UNMISS to protect the welfare of our livestock, also because it is of great economic importance,” he said.
Apart from improving the welfare of those not belonging to the human species, it is hoped that the training, and the “graduated” trainees, will promote peaceful co-existence between farmers and returning, previously displaced, families from different ethnic groups. Such returns are expected to increase as peace gains momentum in the area.