Bor – Jonglei RRP 2 Day Workshop on Supporting Peaceful Coexistence, Safe and Voluntary Return and Reintegration
In Bor – Jonglei, UNMISS RRP organized a two day training workshop on Supporting Peaceful Coexistence of Communities towards Safe and Voluntary Return and Reintegration with Twenty six of the expected thirty participants in attendance, cutting across Ministry officials from Education, Gender, Child and Social Welfare, Fisheries and Livestock, Civil Societies, Youth representatives, women groups and student representatives. Amongst the facilitators were, UNMISS Protection of Civilian Advisor, South Sudan RRC acting Director, UNMISS CAD and Communications and Public Information Section was on ground for coverage for radio and Web & Print.
The UNMISS Head of Field Offices for Jonglei; Ms. Deborah Schein gave the welcome remarks, highlighting the essence of the workshop as well as the importance of coming together with full participation at the workshop. She made it clear to the participants that it is only through dialogue and exchange of ideas a peaceful coexistence can be achieved as peace is the only option towards living together in harmony. In her words while addressing the participants, she echoed that “peace is your only option. I hope through this dialogue and exchanging ideas you will be in a position to better understand each other and rebuild South Sudan as one community and one people living together in peace and harmony”. Further on, Ms. Schein challenged the participant on the role they all have to play in ensuring peace is restored for all in the country following the formation of the transitional government of national unity at the central level, each and every individual has a role to play in rebuilding of the Nation and foster peaceful coexistence of all communities.
Ms. Deborah Schein while addressing the gathering which also had the Governor of Jonglei State (under establishment order of December 2015), Philip Aguer in attendance opined that “it is not only about the Transitional Government of National Unity establishing the foundation for a new nation; it is about communities accepting one another and living together in peace and harmony” while stressing further that “as communities and as people you have an equally important responsibility to ensure that peace takes root and flourishes throughout all of South Sudan”. Philip Aguer; Governor of Jonglei State (under establishment order of December 2015) in his address while officially declaring the two-day workshop open, commended UNMISS for efforts towards ensuring stability and peaceful coexistence of communities in south Sudan and greater Jonglei region in particular. He encouraged the participants to ensure the dialogue yields positive recommendations with a hope of translating into the desired peaceful coexistence of communities while acknowledging challenges are faced by returnees and displaced persons in the quest of a voluntary return and resettlement. In His words, he stated that “the challenges to the returnees include physical and social security threats caused by child abduction and cattle raiding, it has compounded with the spread of arms and it has become almost a danger that we need all of us to build the community altogether between Greater Jonglei region of Boma, Jonglei, Akobo ”.
At the end of the Two-Day workshop, the participants unanimously recommended a joint committee with representatives from all communities in Greater Jonglei, under the chairmanship of the South Sudan RRC, to look into issues as related to voluntary returns and resettlement of displaced persons in and around the region, with a view to ensure a conflict free resettlement and peaceful coexistence.