Civil society organizations network in Lakes unveils action plan to promote human rights
Local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have launched a three-month action plan to better uphold the protection, promotion and respect for human rights in greater Lakes. The focus of the plan is on community outreach and sensitization programmes.
Speaking at the end of a meeting organized by the UNMISS Human Rights Division (HRD), John Malith, Chairperson of the Civil Society Organizations Network (CISON) applauded the decision to launch the 15 September – 15 December plan and requested UNMISS to continue its tireless support.
“We must start right away with community sensitization awareness activities so that by 15 December 2016, we will have a difference. I urge UNMISS to continue supporting us to end the culture of impunity in the state”, Mr. Malith said.
Meanwhile, UNMISS Human Rights Officer Ms.Thandizo Mwambala expressed her appreciation for CISON having come up with such an inspiring action plan, the first of its kind in Rumbek.
“UNMISS in general and HRD in particular are here to support you in fulfilling your duties as the voice of the people”, Ms. Mwambala enthused.