ICRC sets up four surgical teams for emergency care

17 Jan 2014

ICRC sets up four surgical teams for emergency care

16 January 2014 - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has put in place four surgical teams to provide emergency medical assistance to people injured in the South Sudanese conflict, the organization said today.

The teams are based in Juba in Central Equatoria, Malakal in Upper Nile, Bentiu and Leer in Unity and Awerial County in Lakes, ICRC Spokeperson Jacob Kurtzer told UN Radio Miraya.

“We actually have teams in many different parts … to try to meet the needs throughout the country as best as we can,” Mr. Kurtzer said.

He noted that the ICRC had made two deliveries of assistance to people in Awerial and a small one to Leer. “Now the biggest project is in Awerial, where we delivered shelter items for
almost 30,000 people.”