Kenyan battalion training health workers in Wau
21 May 2012- In an effort to boost health and education services in Wau, Western Bahr-El Ghazal State, UNMISS has been providing training at various health institutions.
The activity is part of the Kenyan battalion's (KENBATT's) civilian military cooperation (CIMIC) mandate, which aims to bring peacekeepers closer to local communities.
"KENBATT has been providing teaching services in nutrition, microbiology and nursing to students," said Sister Sneha Joseph, principal of the Catholic Hospital Training Institute.
About 75 students have so far been trained in practical nursing, theory of nursing and midwifery.
"The training of health workers in Wau has been the core of KENBATT Civilian Military Coordination activities," said KENBATT Commander Lt. Col. Njoroge Gitogo.
"We feel that this is our small contribution to the government of South Sudan's capacity building programmes in line with the UNMISS mandate," he added.
KENBATT doctors and nurses are also providing lectures to students at Mary Help Nursing College.
"We really appreciate the support we have been receiving from UNMISS from the beginning of the establishment of this college and health centre by giving us the opportunity to work together with both the KENBATT and Chinese contingents in various ways," said Mary Help head Sister Grace Adichirayil.
In addition, KENBATT medics are assisting at St. Daniel Comboni Hospital, which is short of trained staff. Previously run by the Sudan People's Liberation Army, the hospital opened its doors in January 2011 under the administration of the Catholic Church.
Hospital administrator Sister Agnes Nakkigudde said KENBATT lab technicians and radiographers were currently providing services and training local personnel.
"The KENBATT radiographer has been able to train one of our local staff in basic x-ray operation and together they are helping the hospital a lot," she said. "There are no local people qualified to do the job."