More than 70,000 people seeking safety in Bentiu

12 Jun 2015

More than 70,000 people seeking safety in Bentiu

12 June 2015 - The number of people seeking protection at UNMISS Bentiu, Unity State, has risen to more than 70,000, according to a recently released mission report.

Some 19,735 people have entered the camp since the end of April, pushing the total number sheltering there up from 52,908 to 72,643 as of 5 June, when a headcount was conducted by Médecins Sans Frontiere.

The increase is due an escalation in military activities in the state.

People are mainly coming to the base from southern counties of the state due to worsening conditions there, according to the UNMISS report.

It further noted that food distribution in May covered more than 86,000 displaced persons in the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site, including non-POC residents from Bentiu and Rubkona towns.

Ongoing relocation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to the newly extended site is progressing, with more than 8,000 transferred. The process is expected to be complete by the first week of July, the reported stated.

Extension work at the POC site and IDP relocation mainly addresses flooding and related diseases during the rainy season due to its congested nature.